Tis quite alright. Orlando is a bit of party pooper
This is the chatroom. We don't we even both with parentheses unless we want to say something different from our character ((ie, I have to leave in an hour for a meeting))
Don't make me sedate you, beast.
Yeah sorry. I'm a little grumpy and stressed out. Today is my first day of college.
Yeah sorry. I'm a little grumpy and stressed out. Today is my first day of college.
I'm stuck. In a metal box. What in the name of god do you think that sedating me is going to do?
(About to read back in the rp to see where you guys are at be back soon)
Reading back in the plot is a good idea.
Just a heads up, whenever a chain or message says (Bumped to: Location) That means the story continues onward in a new forum.
Good luck, and welcome.
Just a heads up, whenever a chain or message says (Bumped to: Location) That means the story continues onward in a new forum.
Good luck, and welcome.
Wait! I would also like to give a warm welcome!
*throws confetti in everyone's faces*
Welcome to the Group~!
*throws confetti in everyone's faces*
Welcome to the Group~!
*is surprised snd takes it as another attempt on his life* LEAVE ME ALONE
Calm down or I will rip you in half.
*Whispers under his breath*' dumb***'
*Whispers under his breath*' dumb***'
Everyone just needs to calm down and read a book. You all sound like screaming monkeys. (meheheh)
Moderators: Narrator (played anonymously) Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)