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What 4th floor?

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*pushes Copykat into the elevator thread*
Eh. You tried.
Ugh. I need for someone to pm me and remind me to respond...I have a horrible memory for this...
I guess I can do that if you want. X3

How often? I don't want to spam you. :P
So am I going to break out the facility or be a test subject, cause if everyone breaks out then it's a pretty useless facility.
Sorry guys but I just majorly messed up there, I went to edit my last post cause of a spelling mistake I noticed and ended up reposting it sorry 😿
Lol. I just noticed that.
You brought him here. YOU deal with him! Failure to bring back the werewolf means that you all are going to have to suffer.
*calls Alex a whole number of bad names*
Call me what you want, Orlando... But keep in mind, I'm the one who's in charge of how much gear you're going to receive when I send you out to retrieve our lost... "friend". Any questions?!
Yes, why are we arguing in the OOC chat?

Though I must admit I didn't foresee this twist at all, I am... Intrigued. In all seriousness I like this twist, that's all I'm gonna say.
(Because why not. Shh, Raptor. Characters are talking. XD)

*glares sullenly at Alex* All the gear you could give me, won't protect me or the rest of your men if this creature goes rogue. It's an unknown monster that you basically set loose on agent living quarters! Why would you do this?!
Do you question my authority, Orlando? You've already got ONE monster subdued, you can manage two. Besides, you're no better than I am at this point. I'd even go as far to say that you're the very reason I'm allowing this situation to occur. You invited a monster to eat with you in our own facility. We had it contained for literally fifteen minutes before it got out. Unknown monsters indeed.
The tar monster who destroyed the place is perfectly safe but the guy with barely any powers is a danger 😹
It's not about containment you struck up, pathetic excuse of a commander. You need to be able to control them! Wilson never tried to kill me! I know how to control him, but this new guy...he's a freaking variable. Sheesh!

(You would think that she would have just overruled Orlando's judgement on letting Wilson get something to eat lol. Orlando's forming a bond with a monster~)
Oh boy!
This is getting good!

Moderators: Narrator (played anonymously) Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)