Research and labs. No subjects are contained or allowed here.
After leaving the guard she headed up two flights of stairs then glanced around for the lab. 2-18B was the lab she thought to herself looking down the right side of the hallway upon arriving there. She kept her head low because she was a Superhuman and all. She was stressed on how Alexandra would react...
Eventually she found the door and knocked on it gently saying "Miss Alexandra? I-It's me Cas- Er- Casendra Quani the new transfer..." She stared at the door.
Eventually she found the door and knocked on it gently saying "Miss Alexandra? I-It's me Cas- Er- Casendra Quani the new transfer..." She stared at the door.
There is some fumbling sounds and noises from inside the lab. You hear a few switches and dials go off, and the door opens suddenly and violently, with Alexandra stepping out into the hallway, rapidly shutting the door on a dark room behind her. You can tell from her beyond angry expression that she is incredibly displeased with your timing.
You can also tell that she has been up for quite some time, judging by the dark circles starting to form under her eyes.
"You. Are. LATE!!!" She yells as she flips through a notebook. "It says here you were supposed to arrive... HOURS ago! We may have been out, but that is no excuse for your timing! I... rrrgghhh..."
Alexandra looks up from her notebook and right at you. Her yelling trails off into silence upon actually taking the time to look at you.
She takes a good, long look. You can feel her eyes piercing daggers into your soul...
She takes a deep breath.
"Listen, I'm quite tired. I can't seem to get any sleep, do I decided to continue my research. You have decided to come in late and in the middle of a very important process and project. Your timing is horrendous, but I'm willing to let it all slide."
She briefly goes inside her lab room, and comes back out with a small syringe. She writes down a few notes and looks back at you.
"Seeming how you do work here now and you're... a monster... I just need a little information about you is all. Just some confirmation."
She hands you her notebook and a pen, there are some questions hastily scribbled out that she would like you to answer.
Years of Experience:_______
Preferred Weapons:_______
"Once you get done with all of this i'll be able to assign you to a group. In the meantime, go down to Sub Level 1. The basement. Pick up some food from the cafeteria and find an empty room to store your stuff in..."
She pauses to rub her face with her hands for a bit, stifles a yawn, and glances back at the door to the lab.
"One last question, mind providing a blood sample? I need to have all employee's blood types on record. Might as well take yours while it's convenient."
You can also tell that she has been up for quite some time, judging by the dark circles starting to form under her eyes.
"You. Are. LATE!!!" She yells as she flips through a notebook. "It says here you were supposed to arrive... HOURS ago! We may have been out, but that is no excuse for your timing! I... rrrgghhh..."
Alexandra looks up from her notebook and right at you. Her yelling trails off into silence upon actually taking the time to look at you.
She takes a good, long look. You can feel her eyes piercing daggers into your soul...
She takes a deep breath.
"Listen, I'm quite tired. I can't seem to get any sleep, do I decided to continue my research. You have decided to come in late and in the middle of a very important process and project. Your timing is horrendous, but I'm willing to let it all slide."
She briefly goes inside her lab room, and comes back out with a small syringe. She writes down a few notes and looks back at you.
"Seeming how you do work here now and you're... a monster... I just need a little information about you is all. Just some confirmation."
She hands you her notebook and a pen, there are some questions hastily scribbled out that she would like you to answer.
Years of Experience:_______
Preferred Weapons:_______
"Once you get done with all of this i'll be able to assign you to a group. In the meantime, go down to Sub Level 1. The basement. Pick up some food from the cafeteria and find an empty room to store your stuff in..."
She pauses to rub her face with her hands for a bit, stifles a yawn, and glances back at the door to the lab.
"One last question, mind providing a blood sample? I need to have all employee's blood types on record. Might as well take yours while it's convenient."
Casendra startled by how bipolar the woman seemed. She had a spice of anger power through her with the way she acclaimed a monster, but she was her superior she simply could not just tell her off. So Cas still kept her head down grabbing the pen and notebook.She wrote the following:
"Casendra Quani
5 Years
Fists/Duel Katanas
Power to control weather and my eyes change colors with my mood."
She wrote as neatly as possible handing her the notebook and pen. She replied to Alexandra "Uh... s-sure Miss... I don't care much..."
"Casendra Quani
5 Years
Fists/Duel Katanas
Power to control weather and my eyes change colors with my mood."
She wrote as neatly as possible handing her the notebook and pen. She replied to Alexandra "Uh... s-sure Miss... I don't care much..."
"Excellent." She says, stifling a yawn.
"Do me a favor and just hold out your arm... It'll be relatively painless."
Alexandra quickly takes your blood, jotting a quick note down in her notebook.
"Thank you, thank you. Anyways, as I was saying. Basement. Cafeteria. Get something to eat and find a place to put your belongings while I find a place to put you to work. That is all."
She turns and walks back into the laboratory.
The door slams behind her, echoing throughout the hallway, and you are simply left there. No room to ask any questions.
Better get going.
[You have been bumped to Government Facility: Sub Level 1]
"Do me a favor and just hold out your arm... It'll be relatively painless."
Alexandra quickly takes your blood, jotting a quick note down in her notebook.
"Thank you, thank you. Anyways, as I was saying. Basement. Cafeteria. Get something to eat and find a place to put your belongings while I find a place to put you to work. That is all."
She turns and walks back into the laboratory.
The door slams behind her, echoing throughout the hallway, and you are simply left there. No room to ask any questions.
Better get going.
[You have been bumped to Government Facility: Sub Level 1]
*Wilson was ok with elevators, patiently waiting to see where on Floor 2 they were going to go*
Orlando stepped out of the elevator. He had been here a few times before, but things always got a little blurry when he tried to remember what exactly went on, on the other floors he was not permitted to visit. "It's this way...I think..." Orlando said walking down the hallway to a door to a lab.
"Are you sure?" *the 'i think' isn't exactly a shining beacon of clarity. But Wilson is ok with it. He's still unsure about the way around to*
Casendra glanced around she was just here! She exited the elevator and followed them because as of right now she was completely at a lost of where they were going. She hoped Orlando was leading them the right way, she wouldn't prefer to have Alexandra or as she thinks of her Ms snide remarks getting onto them for being at the wrong place. Casendra glanced around and said "This floor reminds me of a hospital. Ugh I hate it." her eyes turned blue with specs of red. It signified sadness and anger, she hated hospitals but at the same time she was saddened by them.
"We don't have hospitals in hell, we cam heal any injury that doesn't kill us outright. Anyway, the armoury is over here. Tell me about yourself, fighting styles and that kind of thing."
It seems that Kadmoss had no clue that he and Casendra were on the wrong floor for the armory. Nonetheless, Casendra didn't know any better either.
So, Kadmoss being the idiot he is, leads Casendra into a random lab room.
The lab room is dark, and the light from the hallway barely illuminates some lab material. Vials and beakers, some papers here and there, and a strange machine. This is definitely not the armory Kadmoss spoke of. There is a sparkling in the back of the lab room, presumably the eyes of some hapless spiders who have taken residence in a corner. Despite the darkness of the room, it is warm, suggesting that someone was in here recently and decided to use some sort of heat.
So, Kadmoss being the idiot he is, leads Casendra into a random lab room.
The lab room is dark, and the light from the hallway barely illuminates some lab material. Vials and beakers, some papers here and there, and a strange machine. This is definitely not the armory Kadmoss spoke of. There is a sparkling in the back of the lab room, presumably the eyes of some hapless spiders who have taken residence in a corner. Despite the darkness of the room, it is warm, suggesting that someone was in here recently and decided to use some sort of heat.
A door opens at the end of the hallway, and a hand waves Orlando and Wilson over.
"Come in! Come in, Orlando! Alexandra told me you would be coming, along with your friend."
Upon entering the room, it's like walking into a miniature doctors office, complete with one of those cushioned examination beds, chairs, a variety of tools, cabinets for medicine... the works. In the corner sits Petro, a tall, older gentleman managing to survive under the standard regulatory uniform layers as well as a lab coat. The only indications of his age are some graying hairs, spots, and his bifocal glasses. He's already pouring over papers of information, both of Wilson and the medication Wilson will be receiving.
"Yes, have a seat! Have a seat." He points to the Elsen. "Ah, what is his name, Orlando? And, why is he being prescribed this medication? Alexandra neglected to give me all the details in her... haste."
"Come in! Come in, Orlando! Alexandra told me you would be coming, along with your friend."
Upon entering the room, it's like walking into a miniature doctors office, complete with one of those cushioned examination beds, chairs, a variety of tools, cabinets for medicine... the works. In the corner sits Petro, a tall, older gentleman managing to survive under the standard regulatory uniform layers as well as a lab coat. The only indications of his age are some graying hairs, spots, and his bifocal glasses. He's already pouring over papers of information, both of Wilson and the medication Wilson will be receiving.
"Yes, have a seat! Have a seat." He points to the Elsen. "Ah, what is his name, Orlando? And, why is he being prescribed this medication? Alexandra neglected to give me all the details in her... haste."
Orlando took a seat. The man seemed familiar but he just couldn't place it. "This is Wilson, Sir. He's been having some issues with anxiety and excitement while in the field. When he gets like that, he endangers the rest of his team." Orlando explained. He paused for a moment. "I'm sorry Sir, have we met before? I can't quite remember..."
*Doctors. Prescriptions. relaxants... Wilson is feeling very comfortable here*
As Kadmoss had let her into the wrong room she cringed she knew this was a lab. She hated labs, not as much as hospital rooms, but decently bad. She said "U-Uh is t-this the armory y-you spoke of?" She had a bad feeling about the room as she tried to feel her way through the darkness she stopped when she felt a wave of heat hit her face she said "Someone was here not too long ago." In a rage of fear and intended to kill she rushed out of the room and she yelled down the hallway "HEY ME AND MY FRIEND ARE CLUELESS OF WHERE THE AMORY IS CAN SOMEONE TELL US PLEASE? We're lost, horribly lost." She sighed shaking her head hoping someone, anyone on the floor would come to their aid.
"Uuhh..." He said confused. Though the smells were overpowering for him, it didn't warrant any kind of response like he had witnessed. Though he had admittedly gone the wrong way he doubted he was "completely lost."
Petro put down the paperwork and took the time to take a good look at the Elsen.
"Wilson's his name, eh? Good name. A name for a proper sort of gentleman... er, gentlemonster, I should say. Good day to you, Wilson. Sit right there, I'm just going to see how bad your anxiety is. Take a few deep breaths."
Petro then opened a cabinet and started rummaging around for written tests, pens, paper, and other miscellaneous objects. From what you can see, Petro has kept a lot of random knick-knacks from his many years, some visible documents are yellow and fraying, there are posters from concerts that took place in 1973, a bobble-head statue of a deceased president... a general clutter and mess.
"Have you seen me from somewhere, Orlando? Well, I don't mean to brag, but I was in every major television sitcom in the early nineties!" He laughs for a bit, but it quickly fades. "I'm just joking with you. You've probably seen me walking around on the ground floor or maybe you've ran across me in the cafeteria. I've been with the government for quite some time. Thirty years? Or, was it forty? I can't remember for the life of me."
He finally manages to hand Wilson a test page and a pen. He also places a large timer on the desk next to him.
"Now this may be a bit unorthodox, Wilson... but I just need to see how you react to stress. Harmless stress. You see that test there? It's got a bunch of random questions. Some are math questions, some science, some history... but that's besides the point. They're all multiple choice, so just choose the right answer for em. You've only got one shot at each question cause you've got a pen. Now, here's the real kicker. You've got twenty of em to answer... and only five minutes to answer all of them. Now get ready... GETSETGO!!"
In response to Casendra's outcry, a door across the hall opens. A woman leans into the doorway, her long black hair completely covering her eyes.
"What was that, love? Somefin 'bout an army? An army of fwhat? Can the army wait five minuts or somefin?"
A loud hissing can be heard in the background, but the mystery woman doesn't seem to care.
"I guess what i'm tryin ta say is... Whadda ya need, love? Lost, maybe? Where d'ya need ta go?"
"Wilson's his name, eh? Good name. A name for a proper sort of gentleman... er, gentlemonster, I should say. Good day to you, Wilson. Sit right there, I'm just going to see how bad your anxiety is. Take a few deep breaths."
Petro then opened a cabinet and started rummaging around for written tests, pens, paper, and other miscellaneous objects. From what you can see, Petro has kept a lot of random knick-knacks from his many years, some visible documents are yellow and fraying, there are posters from concerts that took place in 1973, a bobble-head statue of a deceased president... a general clutter and mess.
"Have you seen me from somewhere, Orlando? Well, I don't mean to brag, but I was in every major television sitcom in the early nineties!" He laughs for a bit, but it quickly fades. "I'm just joking with you. You've probably seen me walking around on the ground floor or maybe you've ran across me in the cafeteria. I've been with the government for quite some time. Thirty years? Or, was it forty? I can't remember for the life of me."
He finally manages to hand Wilson a test page and a pen. He also places a large timer on the desk next to him.
"Now this may be a bit unorthodox, Wilson... but I just need to see how you react to stress. Harmless stress. You see that test there? It's got a bunch of random questions. Some are math questions, some science, some history... but that's besides the point. They're all multiple choice, so just choose the right answer for em. You've only got one shot at each question cause you've got a pen. Now, here's the real kicker. You've got twenty of em to answer... and only five minutes to answer all of them. Now get ready... GETSETGO!!"
In response to Casendra's outcry, a door across the hall opens. A woman leans into the doorway, her long black hair completely covering her eyes.
"What was that, love? Somefin 'bout an army? An army of fwhat? Can the army wait five minuts or somefin?"
A loud hissing can be heard in the background, but the mystery woman doesn't seem to care.
"I guess what i'm tryin ta say is... Whadda ya need, love? Lost, maybe? Where d'ya need ta go?"
"Yes! Oh god we're horribly-horribly lost." she said rushing up to her leaving a few feet in between them. She continued "Do you perhaps know where the armory is? I heard it was on this floor, but I guess I misheard." she ignored the hissing she wanted off this floor NOW. She stared at the woman shaking slightly like she said previously she hated Hospitals, but her reasoning grew deep. Though its obvious she's very scared or either stressed at this point its hard to tell, mainly since her eyes are brown meaning she was having very mixed emotions and the emotions aren't sitting well within her.
*Wilson is incredibly shocked by this* *no one warned him, he doesn't know if his final grade depends on this, and he is certainly missing his bookbag* "T-TEST!? TIMED?! P- TIMER! NO ONE S- WASN- I HAVEN'T STUDIE-! GEUUHHH!" *He's gone Burnt, mostly around his head and legs, the Burnt grabbing the Test papers, and starting to run away*
Orlando sighed, moving away to avoid the running monster. He hide his face in his hands, not even wanting to watch. "And that's why I brought him to you..."
Moderators: Narrator (played anonymously) Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)