Hello everyone! Welcome to the chatroom. Please respect the following.
1. Golden Rule- Treat others how you’d like to be treated.
2. OOC stays OOC and IC stays IC.
3. Conversation will be kept pg-13.
If you are unable to follow these rules you may be asked to leave.
Now then, please come on in, introduce yourself, and start having fun!
1. Golden Rule- Treat others how you’d like to be treated.
2. OOC stays OOC and IC stays IC.
3. Conversation will be kept pg-13.
If you are unable to follow these rules you may be asked to leave.
Now then, please come on in, introduce yourself, and start having fun!

I suppose I should introduce myself. I am Bell, I play as John and Finn, yes yes. Don't worry. Finn won't recieve special treatment because I'm playing him, bahahahahaha. Ah, I'm evil. Anyway. Feel free to introduce yourself people!

Hair everyone
you can call me Rose, I play as Nora who is a student who is a young shapeshifter who can transform into a fox. I hope we all have a lot of fun here

Hello! I'm Tolora. I play as Markal, a boy who can shapeshift into a tiger.
What's up guys. Just call me Clay or whatever you want to call. I'm playing as Donovan and he can transform into a dragon.
Clayfire12 wrote:
I'm playing as Donovan and he can transform into a dragon.
I forgot to say that. He turns into an Eastern, or in other words a Chinese dragon.
*dives headlong into the chat*
Hi everybody! I'm Halt andI will be your camp counselor for the week. I play Tsuka lol
Hi everybody! I'm Halt and
W. I'm playing Iris. Nice to meet you all.
Hello! My name's mochishark. Call me whatever you like. I'm playing as Posey, who turns into an European dipper.
Ohhh! A little burdy!
It's so cute! I just want to eat it up~
W. oh, you're referring to mochi. I thought you were talking to me.

Eat you? Nah. I prefer bird to mochi. Rice is more Tsuka's thing.
W. mochi, you will eat anyone who tries to hurt you.
*Pats Mochi's head* I'm sure you will.
We're just waiting for Tsuka to get back before we begin.