The world of Spyro is made of five major lands known as The Dragon Realms, Avalar, The Forgotten Worlds, Fairy Realms, and Land of the Rising Sun.
Dragon Realms
Peace Keepers
Magic Crafters
Beast Makers
Dream Weavers
Shade Seekers
Realm Defenders
Spyro the Dragon
A famous dragon, many times has he saved the realms from peril. He hails from a far off clan of powerful dragons known as Ultra Violets. Over the years he has grown more mature, but is still pretty cocky and arrogant at times.
King Heljan
King over the five Dragon Clans, Heljan is a wise and no-nonsense type of leader. He is the most powerful dragon in the realms, none can possibly defeat him. He also possesses a shocking secret, he is the father of Spyro the Dragon.
Daughter of Nestor, she is headstrong and feisty. She can be confrontational too, so don't piss her off. She is one of Spyro's best friends.
Gnasty Gnorc
The ugly and bad-tempered Gnorc King, Gnasty hates dragons for banishing him all those years ago. He has teamed up with the likes of Ripto to put a stop to the ‘Spyro problem’.
A small but diabolical Riptoc who hates dragons with a passion. He once conquered the land of Avalar and stole the dragonflies. Since then, he has formed the Cult of Sigma to stop Spyro.
The Sorcerer
A mysterious dragon whose origins are unknown. What could he possibly be, an Ultra Violet or a Shade Seeker? He also claims to be superior to other dragons.
An ancient evil foretold in Draconic legend, Malefor is not to be taken lightly. He is cold, cruel, and xenophobic of lesser races. As the first Ultra Violet, he can command the four elements and due to this, he is very powerful. He desires to cover the realms in shadow.