((Rules of common courtesy apply. Don't be a jerk ooc, and if you're a jerk ic, expect other characters to respond accordingly. Including the Teachers.
This group is designed to make it 'easier' for people that are more active, AND for people that are less active. RP will be broken up into individual Class-times, with different threads to be used for different student-teacher interaction. This way, there can be a class where several students all meet the same teacher at once, & an individual student can also see the same teacher at different times to learn if they want w/o needing to worry about the reply times of others.
Feel free to make new threads for student/student interaction, and communicate with eachother how you will, but please msg me or otherwise get into contact with me if you make a thread for you and a teacher. I will most likely see it, and respond as needed, but the chance that I might not see a new thread exists. Msg-ing just makes it easier for all involved. ex:"Hey, I made a thread for 'student' in 'this branch of magic'."
Also, it is preferred that you try and make sure only one version of your student is running around at any given time, but having multiple threads all going at once is still ok. (maybe try and have them learn about the morphogenetic field if you want to have a good excuse)
If there are any concerns or issues, please let me know, and I'm sure we can sort everything out properly.
WARNING! this group is a 'living world' consequence group. If your character makes bad choices, then bad things can happen to them. While this is most likely to be a minor issue, it IS important to understand. acts of incredible stupidity may result in injury, affliction, or death. Depending on the exact circumstance, a Teacher may or may not be able to help you get better.