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  • kophfUP.png
    The Flower Knights are the creation of Nymphra and are a closed 'species' right now.
    If you wish to play one then do contact Nymphra on RPR or Regency in Furcadia.

    I hate to call them a species but that is the best way to describe their mutation.
    They aren't human anymore but are part plant. Upon application confirmation you
    may choose a flower from the list and then create your knight using that as a basis.
    Though I have listed what the flowers mean in 'Flower language' you are by no
    means obliged to make your character only 'fickle' or 'beautiful' it's just a basis
    since some people thrive on taking one idea and running with it.


    Musts when designing

    ~ The knights can be male or female but the majority are male
    ~ Whatever flower chose them is now a scar upon their chest above their heart as a
    constant reminder of what is inside them
    ~ The knights are a mutation of humans so they can be any skin/hair colour you
    wish. They can even have a twinge of green or grey to their skin if they have
    succumbed more to the flower's influence than others. But they are Humans with
    the ‘Flower Child’ mutation
    ~ The Knights are all within 3 years of each other in age as the mutation happened
    at an orphanage, but their aging is severely slowed down so although they count
    their years like anyone else they will reach 100 and still look 30
    ~ They need the sunlight to really flourish and gather strength so they cannot fight
    in the dark. Well they can but it's at a severe disadvantage
    ~ Their adulthood is when they prove themselves so that could have been at 18 like
    with Tris when he saved his first damsel. Or it could be at 40, it's totally up to when
    the character decides to go out and prove themselves. Once the mission is complete
    they bring home a trophy like with Tris it was a dragon's tooth, and that is then
    mounted and placed upon the wall back in the Mage's tower and from then on they
    are true adult knights
    ~ Magical skill can be anywhere from nothing to that of an apprentice mage.
    Though weapon play is far more important and would have been studied more
    ~ If your character wishes to go down the magic route please message Mage (on
    RPR or in game) and he will cover that aspect of training and make your character
    his apprentice officially through RP.
    ~ The knights stick closely together but it is possible one or two could have been
    separated from the company and enslaved if you wish to go down that route with
    your character, but know that the other knights will be honour bound to do all they
    can to release that brother-knight from captivity.


    Rules of Conduct

    1) Respect others, this is a strictly no drama group
    2) Do not mix IC and OOC it only leads to a mess

    Simple, right? Let's hope so