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  • This dream is a strict roleplay dream. While we do try to be welcoming to all players; persona players are not allowed to take part in anything involving the keep's actual story. Feel free to roleplay in the dream, but do not get offended when someone asks you to stay out of an official continuity building group setting.

    The dream is rated for teens and older. This means if you do not wish to see slightly mature situations such as drinking, fighting, swearing and the possibility of drug use- please stay out of the dream. My dream is here to be a fun place to roleplay and we try not to restrict character design; I will not cater to a person who is sensitive to topics such as religion, political standpoint, sexual preference or race within the context of roleplay.

    This is a strict roleplay dream (every area not the ooc room). When talking out of character use brackets to indicate you are not in character. Keep out of character conversations to a minimum when in an area with active players.
    Absolutely no God-Moding.

    Time travelers are welcome. I realize, that not everyone who is in the dream is going to be from the same time period. Yes, the keep appears to be medieval in setting but it does have the odd electrical sockets to plug in a laptop. There is a radio in the ballroom and the piano in the tavern has a button on the side to make it play various songs. This does not mean bring your laser ray guns and have a shoot out with someone who wears armor and calls themselves a knight of the roundish table.

    I am not a Grammar Nazis, however, this is a text based game. I do ask that you at least try to spell things correctly. If you want, there are several online spell checkers that you can use.

    The only request for a post length minimum is that it's at least three sentences. Any shorter and you may be asked to report longer.

    If you are discovered to have purposely used the glitch with the local and the growth formula, you will be banished for a period of time to be determined.

    There are more rules to come and will be added at my leisure. Anyone who role-plays in this dream is expected to have read and fully understand each rule on the website as well as the information concerning the principles that facilitate Strict Roleplaying. If you do not understand what is presented please whisper a staff member for assistance; they will be identifiable by locating the '[Staff@TSH]' in their description.

    My Dream My Rules