Welcome to the Oakwater School Of Magic!Current time is 9:35 AMCurrently, it is second hour
Though it's called a school of magic, Oakwater accepts all odd students that don't quite fit in elsewhere. It's a school with quite a history.
Founded in 1989, Oakwater was originally intended to be a simple boarding school for magical students, with uniforms, a small campus, and not many students. However, after the first principal, Mrs. Suzi Farell retired in 1994, the second principal, Professor Barry Glint, made the call to open the doors of Oakwater to include more varied students, such as ghosts, magical beings, and mutations. In 2006, Professor Glint made one final call to allow even more varied students and made dorms optional before stepping down as principal and becoming the history teacher.
In 2006, after Professor Glint stepped down, a new principal, Ms. Macy Ballad, was recruited. In the 2006-2007 school year, the school held it's first dance. It was a huge success with 98 percent of students attending. There are now 3 dances per year, all with huge attendance rates. Ms. Ballad also introduced a music program and expanded the arts programs, and gave clubs more privileges.
In 2009, the school went private due to safety concerns regarding a rumor circulating the general public being aware of the odd students within Oakwater's doors. The rumor was later discovered to be false, but was kept private for a while anyway and seemed to disappear.
In 2013, the school's doors opened again, and many people reacted positively and immensely. However, one student began attempting to control the minds of the school's strongest students to try sabotaging Oakwater's good reputation. This failed, and the student was expelled, as was her older brother who had similar abilities. The school was put on lockdown.
In 2014, Oakwood opened again, this time applying deeper background checks on enrolling students and teachers. Since then, things have been safe. It has grown into a uniformless, varied, large community.
The Oakwood School Of Magic is a school where you'll find friends, fun, and of course, schoolwork. Catering to magical, gifted, and just simply odd middle-school-aged and high-school-aged students since 1989, it has become a large, caring, varied community.
Normally, there's at least one large plot per year where a student or 5 try to stir up trouble. Things tend to turn out in the end though.
There are spacious classrooms and hallways in the main school building, as well as a huge cafeteria with decent food, for cafeteria food.
In the library building, there are computers, sofas, desks, and all the books you can imagine, from spellbooks to fictional stories, throughout 4 floors.
The dormitory buildings are spacious, with luxurious rooms featuring 2 bunk beds, bookshelves, etc, with 4 students to a room. There are also public bathrooms, a lounge, and other things in the buildings. Students don't need to stay in the dorms if they'd like. The 2 dorms are named differently each year, and the students vote for names.
There's a sports building with a fighting area, archery range, swimming pools, track, obstacle course, and a gymnastics and dance center, all indoors. (Most of these topics will be added later on)
There's an arts building with an auditorium, band room, choir room, and art classroom. -
Featured Members
- Maria Lopez (played by PlayerOfRoles) Member
- DaBoisBackHome Founder
- Pheobe Gardner (played by EmmersXD) Member
- Sophy Davies (played by MyriadTruth) Member
- Mare Barrow Kuro (played by Mare_Barrow_Kuro) Member
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Group Announcements
This group is dead :(
Posted By DaBoisBackHome on Jun 18th 2019
I've gotten multiple join requests lately, so I'd like to alert people to the fact that this group is unfortunately dead. I've been wanting to revive it, but for now, if your application is rejected, know that it's due to the group's status. If you still want to RP here, let me know, and if there's...[IC ANNOUNCEMENT] 2nd hour
Posted By DaBoisBackHome on Jul 5th 2018
It is now 2nd hour! Students should be making their way to their next class.(OOC) Taking a break
Posted By DaBoisBackHome on Jun 17th 2018
Alright. I doubt this'll make any difference, but I'm taking a break from the RPR for a while since I have summer camp coming up very soon and directly after I have some important things going on. I'll try to come online to moderate and handle NPCs, but expect me to be mostly inactive for at least...(IC) Homeroom
Posted By DaBoisBackHome on May 17th 2018
It is now homeroom! All characters should report to their first class of the day.
Oh also this group might get SLIGHTLY announcement heavy, so brace yourselves.(OOC) Important Announcement!
Posted By DaBoisBackHome on May 14th 2018
Alright. I don't really want to do this but I'm nervous the group might die if I don't.
There's been a huge lack of RPing going on in the group. Thus, unfortunately, I've decided to do a check-in. If you are still interested in the RP, please comment on this, post in the OOC Chat, or make an RP... -
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Featured Members
- Selena Nyx (played by SanySuzuya) Student
- Isaiah Lim (played by Orose_Khan) Teacher
- The Hippogriff Girl (played by Ajsmar) Member
- Pallet (played by AllyHeart) Student
- Mare Barrow Kuro (played by Mare_Barrow_Kuro) Member