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Forums » The Oakwater School Of Magic » Infirmary

Snow opened the door, waiting for the others.
The girls enter the infirmary.
Snow looked around, "This place is not that bad."
"Kate here seems to be coming down with something." Snow said pointing to Kate.
"Uh, yeah, my sister's sick probably," Gracie says, motioning to Kate.
After the nurse finishes, Kate sits on the bed.
"Would it be alright if I head back to class now?"
Kate shifts a bit.
Snow walks out of the office.
"It is?" Gracie says in concern. Kate sighs and mumbles. "Well, that narrows it down a bit."
"Maybe 45 minutes ago and yup. I've got psychic powers that sometimes give me ridiculously high fevers, and that's probably what's goin' on. If you'd just let me go back to class I could ride it out.."

Gracie crosses her arms. "No way, Kate! If that's what you think is going on, you need to rest or your powers are gonna be all out of control and you might hurt someone!!
"Yeah.." Kate sighs.
Gracie opens her mouth to object, but obeys and leaves. She looks back at Kate for a moment before entering the hallway.

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