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[Subject Number] 971-666
[Subject Codename] Abaddon
[Catagory] Category 5
[Containment Specifications] Stored 20 km below sea level in a 50mx50mx50m 8ft thick concrete box filled with an acidic tar solution. Requires level 4 access or above to enter the observation chamber located 20m from the actual containment chamber. The Subject is only to be observed 30 seconds at a time with 5-minute intervals via monitors connected to in chamber cameras. The access door to the observation chamber is to be guarded at all times by armed personnel, once security personnel has served 6 months they are to be transferred to a different assignment and not to return to Cat5 guard until another 6 months have passed with no mention of it.
[Details as to Subject Containment] CLASSIFIED
[Subject Abilities] The Subject is shown to have incredible strength and speed as well as intelligence. It's most powerful ability noted is its psychokinetic and telepathic abilities, all persons who have seen the Subject either in person, photo or video have stated they have heard hundreds of voice in their heads and had a noted breakdown in mental stability. Current Subject researchers are to be cycled out after 6 months, or if they request to be moved.
[Physical Description] The Subject is 100-130 feet tall from base to top. The Subject appears in a humanoid form with long claws on both its feet and hands. A tail that reaches down to its feet and 20-foot spikes off its shoulder blades. Its body seems to have merged with its skeleton in some places making it's spine and ribs easily visible. The Subject has a grey-green membrane spreading over its body starting from the ends of its limbs and moves up its body over time. Its head seems to have no facial features though this is up to speculation as it has a pointed hoodlike orange membrane over its head that nears the length of its own body.
[Additional Notes] In the event of the Category 5 entity waking a full facility shutdown is to be initiated and all site non-essential, non-security personnel are to be evacuated. All focus is to be put towards re-containing the subject.
[Name] Dr. Gregor Finch
[Security Clearance Level] Level 5
[Profession] Site Administrator, Category 4 and 5 researcher.
[History] Dr. Finch rose to the top of his field in both ancient mythological history, abnormal genetics and bioengineering. Finch was recruited by the Program and assigned Category 4 Subject 834-163 to research. After the previous Site Administrator committed suicide due to continual Category 3 interaction Finch was promoted to Site Administrator.
[Physical Description]  5'9" slim build, short red hair, blue eyes, wears reading glasses. Currently 37 years of age.
[Additional Notes] None for now.
[Subject Number] 180-308
[Subject Codename] Lupus 'Raziel' Shadows
[Category] 4
[Containment Specifications]
 Subject is contained in a concrete room with walls six foot thick. Multiple solid steel doors separate it from the rest of the facility. Observatory rooms are located next to the containment cell, with three foot which bulletproof windows. The windows are located 7 foot above the floor of the containment cell. Walls are lined with an electric field to keep him from using his abilities to teleport out.
[Details as to Subject Containment] Lupus was captured while visiting our world. We do not know where he is originally from, and he refuses to all us. All he will say is that he's from a place worse then the hell the other subjects are from. The little information we have from him was obtained from other subjects. They said he was worshiped as a god of vengeance. That title is left for debate, as if he is stronger then our Cat. 5, he has yet to show it.

[Subject Abilities] The subject has proven to have telepathic and telekinetic abilities. As well as something he calls 'Black magic.' Of this he has only shown to summon objects and use some sort of window to talk to someone or something outside of the facility. He has used this 'magic' to teleport out of the facility, but he was contained and the containment cell modified to keep him from doing it again. He has also shown shapeshifting abilities, turning into a wolf-like creature, and something that can be described as a dragon.

[Physical Description] The subject is mostly humanoid. He stand at about six feet in height. He has long white hair. His skin is pale. His eyes are solid red and glowing. The subject also has a long golden furry tail. He has a mark under his right eye that looks like a crescent moon over a four point star.

[Additional Notes] None as of now.
[Name] Jameson
[Security Clearance Level] 2
[Profession] DCR lab guard.
[History] If one asked him about his life before joining up with DCR, he couldn't tell you. He doesn't remember much, honestly, his life only really being something one could consider 'average'. He had parents, divorced, living alone with his mother until moving out to follow his dreams. When that didn't work out, stuck in a shitty apartment, he really took anything he could get, and this happened to be the one.
[Physical Description] He has dull, black almond eyes typically in an inquisitive squint. His eyebrows are typically perpetually angled down. He has soft, round features with an angular chin and cute ears. His hair is black, and reaches to his neck.
His body is slender, and quite feminine. He's bare-minimum athletic, his agility lending some benefit in spite of this. His arms are slim, but toned, his chest and midriff flat but with some significant tone. His hips are nice and plump, as well as his thighs, and his legs, while intended to be more ideal than fit, are quite sturdy. He can walk long distances without first tiring. He stands at 178 centimeters.
[Additional Notes] He usually wears glasses, but when on duty he wears contacts because of the nature of his profession.
[Subject Number] 690-369
[Subject Codename] 'Serj'
[Catagory] 3
[Containment Specifications] Contained in a medium sized square room with tall walls and ceiling lights. Lining the top of the walls are windows, and on the other side of those windows are observation rooms. 3 out of 4 of the walls are made of solid concrete, and the 4th is made out of a strong, unbreakable glass. On the other side of the glass is another cell identical to it (Daron's (Subject 965-391) cell). There is a large, metal door for entrance to the room.
[Details as to Subject Containment] Originally from the depths of hell, the subject was sent to Earth with his companion, Daron (Subject 965-391), to complete an unknown task. Since that task was unknown, the two didn't really work towards completing that task, and worked more towards trying to blend into society and live among humans in Hollywood. Of course, people sooner or later figured out that the two were demons, and got captured by the D.C.R.
[Subject Abilities] The subject was proven to have healing powers, the ability of flight, shapeshifting, possession, and knows many different kinds of demonic spells witch many different uses.
[Physical Description] The subject is a tall, humanoid creature, about 6'5. He appears as a slender male with long, curly, dark hair. His face is quite handsome, pointed nose, bushy eyebrows, goatee, and a black, upside down cross on his forehead. His eyes are black with red irises, and he has large, ram-like horns on his head. The subject has 4 large wings, and a long, spikey, arrow-tipped tail. When the subject speaks, his voice is very monotone, with a slight Lebanese accent.
[Additional Notes] The subject is mostly harmless, unless you separate him from Daron (Subject 965-391)

[Subject Number] 965-391
[Subject Codename] 'Daron'
[Catagory] 3
[Containment Specifications] An identical cell to Serj's (Subject 690-369), but mirrored.
[Details as to Subject Containment] The subject came to Earth with his companion, Serj (Subject 690-369), to complete an unknown task. Since the task was unknown, the two didn't work towards completing the task and tried to fit in more with society and the humans living in Hollywood. When people started to figure out that they were demons, and got captured by the D.C.R., he fought back more about it then Serj (Subject 690-369) did.
[Subject Abilities] The subject is proven to have the ability to shapeshift, have the ability of flight, possession, and knows many demonic spells with many different uses.
[Physical Description] The subject is a short, pudgy, humanoid creature that appears to be around 5'2. He appears as a male with female genitalia, with long, dark hair that he would on occasion pull back into a ponytail. His face isn't that pretty, with crooked, sharp teeth, and large, black, beady eyes. The bags under his eyes make him look constantly tired, and his eyebrows are bushy. On his head are two horns, and his ears are long, skinny, and elf-like. And on the subjects lower back are bat-like wings, along with a arrow-tipped tail. When he speaks, his voice is more high pitched, and tends to crack often.
[Additional Notes] Subject would become depressed and harmful towards guards when separated from Serj (Subject 690-369)
[Name] Suzue K. Westley
[Security Clearance Level] Level 3
[Profession] Cat1 and Cat3 Researcher.
[History] S. K. Westley was daughter and protege of W. M. Westley, former Researcher with our organization. After the events of his passing, the DCR Board deemed it allowable for her to be employed in his stead to eventually fill the vacancy. It was an acceptable alternative for the prevention of critical information being leaked, one that was argued among the head staff for a brief period. Thankfully, Ms. Westley has proven to be a great addition to the team. Her work ethic has provided more than enough evidence that she is fully committed to this career path, the DCR and its goals. It is only in the bi-monthly incidents regarding the practice of safety procedures in her experiments which postpone her more immediate promotions, despite such actions yielding objectively useful information.
[Physical Description] 5'5" (165 cm) slim build, long black hair at chest length, dull brown eyes, 22 years of age.
Lacks acceptable muscle capacity and continues to violate health standards by ignoring physical training requirements.
[Additional Notes] Accredited accolades include:
The discovery of pyrotechnic abilities in subject 144-2093.
The reclassifying of subjects 398-231, 144-2093, 343-343, 542-411 as Cat3 entities where formerly thought to be harmless Cat1 after hostile motives and/or more destructive capabilities were found. Further detail can be found within related subjects' files.
The discovery of subject 664-943 ability to telepathically mimic human identities familiar to the target without the need for prior knowledge. Subject's security measures have been amended since.