Nadine Region is a lovely, large, and full of Hope island. The Pokemon there are very friendly however some may attack if you upset them! Good luck and remember these Pokemon arn't just toys you use to battle, they are your friends! The starter Pokemon in the region are some of the cutest things ever! This is what the island looks likes!
Water Starter>
Name: Naiad
Fire Starter>
Name: FenFire
Grass Starter>
Name: Leporo

Water Starter>
Name: Naiad

Name: FenFire

Name: Leporo

Her are just some Pokemon who inhabit this region and it's glorious lands!
Name: Miriki
Evolved Name: Unknown
Type: Flying & Water
Name: Spindle
Evolved Name: Unknown
Type: Water

Name: SkullWoof
Evolved Name:SkullHound
Type: Dark & Ghost

Name: Gholu
Evolved Name: Lugubrio
Type: Dark & Fighting

Name: Splaze
Evolved Name: Unknown
Type: Fire

Name: Kokurai
Evolved Name: Kurokurai
Type: Electric & Dark

Name: Bukuchi
Evolved Name: Unknown
Type: Normal

Name: WoofSki
Evolved Name: Unknown
Type: Ice & Water

Name: LeaPony
Evolved Name: Forese, Fornang
Type: Grass & Dark

Name: DeerSea
Evolved Name: Non
Type: Water & Dark
Name: Miriki
Evolved Name: Unknown
Type: Flying & Water

Name: Spindle
Evolved Name: Unknown
Type: Water

Name: SkullWoof
Evolved Name:SkullHound
Type: Dark & Ghost

Name: Gholu
Evolved Name: Lugubrio
Type: Dark & Fighting

Name: Splaze
Evolved Name: Unknown
Type: Fire

Name: Kokurai
Evolved Name: Kurokurai
Type: Electric & Dark

Name: Bukuchi
Evolved Name: Unknown
Type: Normal

Name: WoofSki
Evolved Name: Unknown
Type: Ice & Water

Name: LeaPony
Evolved Name: Forese, Fornang
Type: Grass & Dark

Name: DeerSea
Evolved Name: Non
Type: Water & Dark

Name: Alpheon
NickName: Alph
Gender: Male
Type: Fairy
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non
Name: Misteon
NickName: Mist
Gender: Female
Type: Ghost & Water
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non
Name: Brezeon
NickName: Breez
Gender: Male
Type: Snow & Ice
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non
Name: Soleon
NickName: Sole
Gender: Female
Type: Rock & Psycic
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non
Name: Nimbeon
NickName: Nim
Gender: Male
Type: Electric & Dark
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non
Name: Drakeon
NickName: Drake
Gender: Male & Female (Female=White/Male=Grey)
Type: Dragon & Psycic & Fairy (Male=Psycic/Female=Fairy)
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non
Name: Cloudeon
NickName: Cloud
Gender: Male
Type: Flying & Water
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non
Name: Flitteon
NickName: Flitt
Gender: Male
Type: Fairy & Psycic
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non
NickName: Alph
Gender: Male
Type: Fairy
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non

NickName: Mist
Gender: Female
Type: Ghost & Water
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non

NickName: Breez
Gender: Male
Type: Snow & Ice
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non

NickName: Sole
Gender: Female
Type: Rock & Psycic
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non

NickName: Nim
Gender: Male
Type: Electric & Dark
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non

NickName: Drake
Gender: Male & Female (Female=White/Male=Grey)
Type: Dragon & Psycic & Fairy (Male=Psycic/Female=Fairy)
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non

Name: Cloudeon
NickName: Cloud
Gender: Male
Type: Flying & Water
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non

NickName: Flitt
Gender: Male
Type: Fairy & Psycic
Trainer: Non
Mate: Non
Offspring: Non