1.) Have common sense. Respect is mutual so treat others how you wish to be treated OOC. And please try to save the IC drama for events in the RP.
2.) Don't god mod. While it is encouraged to have characters with magical augmentation of their own in this group, no one is going to like you if you outright O.P. your character. Just keep the RP fun and we should all get along.
3.) Avoid one liners. It is highly encouraged to give at least 3 lines of text per post so others have something to reply to. This is a big one so you have no one to blame but yourself if you get skipped over because you barely wrote enough to be noticed.
4.) Don't spam post. A misclick or accedental double post is forgivable, but please do not type out a series of 1 liners and crowd the chat with your posts. Because here is what will happen... The group owner will merge all your posts into one and delete all but the one post from the chat. Then you will suffer private inbox spam as a result. So the only person you would be hurting is yourself.
5.) Have fun!! As the RP progresses, lets all agree that we're all here to have good clean fun.