Ahiru (Duck) Arima
((Please pardon my trivia and facts about this serie since i didnt fully understand it due to its mysterious and downright confuseing storyline and plot. In other words this bio is made with my best effort of puzzleing it togheter and makeing sense of it. So if it is infact slighty or compeltely wrong then i apologize.))
I am Princess Tutu but also Ahiru (Duck in english). I was born as a normal duck, by a lake in a beautiful kingdom. In the very royal garden of the grand castle where the prince and soon to be king Mytho lived with his loyal squire Fakir. But one day a big, scary and powerful raven came to the kingdom. Wishing to take the prince place as king but the prince was brave and fought the raven without hesitation to protect his people. A very long time passsed and it seamed like the'ire fight was gonna last forever but then the raven found a portal. A portal that led to another world. The prince followed the raven to this new world and stopped him before he could cause any trouble in it, by shattering his heart with his own sword to seal the raven away. I dont remeber much after that but somehow a few of us followed with him to this new world and we all had our memories partly ereased and replaced. All except from the prince squire Fakir who seamed to weild some sort of story telling power.
So after the grand fight I woke up by a similar looking lake that I was born in and soon found the prince, danceing by the lake with lonesome eyes. I feelt so sorry for him and i wanted to help my prince, i was ready to do anything to make him smile and feel agian. With this pure hearted promise i was given a piece of his heart by someone called Drosselmeyer in order to transform into a human girl and there after into Princess Tutu. Along with this transformation, my memories were awoken agian and i was given the sacred quest of collecting the rest of the pieces of his heart. With the help of the piece that i had been lended by Drosselmeyer.
And so i started this journey of finding and collecting the prince heart pieces. I disguised myself as a student of Gold Crown Academy, which is where my prince and the rest from my world had been sent to. So at day i tried to fit in among the others in order to find the pieces, by acting as human as possible and attending to all the classes such as ballet. Which hehe.....wasnt always that easy. I get easily nervous and scared by things, which in turn will make me quack accidently cause well habbit i guess. And well yes that isnt so bad (even tho its embrassing) if it wasnt that i turn into a duck agian when i do it. And whenever that happens i obviously get too small for my clothes so i need to quickly run of with them to hide and not be discovered by someone. And luckily thanks to the necklace with the prince heart piece that i always wear, i am able to turn back into a human agian by simply floating in water for a bit or get splashed by it but i perfer floating calmy if i can.
I soon discovered that the prince heart pieces had been found and used by diffrent people that were sad or depressed in some way, so in order to get the pieces from them i decided to cheer them up by danceing with them. Spreading mine and my prince joyful glow over the'ire heart to gain the piece. By every piece i collected, the raven got stronger and stronger and i knew that once i collected them all he would be free agian in this world to rule it to his likeing. But i just couldnt stand to see my dear prince so sad and knowing that he couldnt feel any emotions what so ever. No one should live like that!! After i had collected around half of the pieces the raven got powerful enough to send his minions, such as Princess Kraehe who was Rue but brainwashed to stop me from time to time but i was determied to bring help my prince and gained them anyway.
Once i gathered them all the raven was free and was turning all the people around me, inculdeing my friends into his minions of ravens. But i Princess Tutu wouldnt let him get away from this even if i was only a duck now. I used all of my strenght and courage to dance for the villagers and shed some light into the'ire hearts agian. I was attacked by his minions over and over but i keept on getting up on my feet agian and keept danceing for them. Until finally they saw me and was warmed by my dance, which turned them all into swans instead and thereby weaking the raven and helping my prince to fight the raven which he was so bravely fending of agian with all his might.
Once i saw that he had done it, that he had defeated the raven once and for all and rescued Rue (Princess Kraehe) from his evil claws. I let go and collapsed onto the ground to rest from my wounds and soon faint in exhausten. Fakir who had grown fond of me picked me up and took me home to tend to my wounds as meanwhile my prince and Rue got married and returned to our world agian to live happily ever after togheter. I was so happy for them both and i had too grown fond of Fakir so i surely didnt mind staying with him by his little lake house.
Now i am but a mere duck, which i was born as and always will be. I can no longer transform into a human since i happily returned the last piece of my prince heart to him. But im not sad, i got Fakir takeing care of me and keeping me company while he writes his stories. And who knows? maybe he will find a way to turn me back into a human agian? Hehe~ well eitherway i am happy, happy to know that my prince can love and is loved by Rue but most of all....is happy again, that is all i wanted afterall.
Moderators: FantasyDreamer