Shea is a type of Centaur, a Zingarian to be exact. And unlike the imagine shown on the side, she choses to wear a more light and not-so-tribal kind of attire, due to leaving her tribe and chose to travel around the world. Which in turn had her discover new cultures and therefor diffrent kinds of clothing and so on. Meaning that her attire is more or less a mixture of all the cultures she grew fond of during her travels. Which in this case is a mixture of Elven (wood elves that is), Targorian (dragon people who dressed very lightly due to the heat of their lands and the constant heat/mateing sessions between them), Meridian (merpeople who dressed in sea shells, fish scales and other various things from the sea.) and lastly a small piece of Grakh (a people who dressed in a mixture of egyptian style and greek).
Shea is a quite young Zingarian, around in her 230's which in human years is 23 years old and she is quite feisty attitude wise. However she tends to be drawned back and shy most of the time.
Moderators: FantasyDreamer