Life, nature, machine...
The Orokin City revolves around these principles. Sustaining life, preserving nature and praying to the machine. The flying city of Orokin is a utopia for it's citizens, a machine of steam and the arcane, a place free of crime and prejudice.
Below the city, the planet surface of Voronin lies a baron wasteland, little nature stands to exist, with only small patches of forest left standing amongst the endless dry sand and dirt-scape. Those that transgress against the city are banished, exiled to the wastes of the planet below, far from the pleasures of the utopian city far above.
The interior of the walking jail is lined with rusted metal and piles of dirt, the only cleaners are the rodents that pick clean the corpses of those prisoners who don't make it, dying of exposure to the intense heat generated by the steam generators that power this colossal metal beast.
A seeming eternity passes before reaching the destination, weeks- possibly months- fly by in the walking jail until finally, it grinds to a halt. The murmuring groans of other prisoners rise in volume as they question what is happening, their naturally scared demeanor obvious as they scream and wail, demanding to be told what's going on. Without warning, the hard metal floors swing open, dropping the prisoners from their cells tens of feet to the ground.
With a heavy thud, you land on the soft, grainy sand below. It's a painful landing for sure, but you are confident you haven't injured yourself in the fall. Wiping yourself of the loose sand, you find yourself standing in a wasteland... -
A steampunk wasteland filled to the brim with danger around every corner. Explore as an exile in a world inspired by classic rogue-like exploration games.
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A steampunk wasteland filled to the brim with danger around every corner. Explore as an exile in a world inspired by classic rogue-like exploration games.