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  • ( With thanks to NOFD )

    R E C R U I T
    32 weeks paid training

    P R O B A T I O N A R Y F I R E F I G H T E R
    Upon completion of fire recruit training candidates will serve a one year period as a probationary firefighter.
    *State pay will start one year from date of hire *$6,000/yr
    *Millage is earned from the date-of-hire & paid in a lump-sum each spring. The amount in 2015 was $4,000. Employees receive an amount based solely upon time worked in the previous year.

    F I R E F I G H T E R
    State pay
    Millage (estimate based on previous year's mileage)
    After 2 years a Firefighter can qualify to take the test to become an operator

    O P E R A T O R
    After 6 years a Firefighter or Operator with the Fire technology certificate can qualify to take the test to become a captain. It's not necessary to be an operator to be promoted to captain.

    C A P T A I N
    After 4 years as a Captain with the Fire technology degree, captain's can qualify to take the test to become a chief.

    $24,000+ (while in training school)

    $36,300+ (based upon 32 week training period)

    $43,400+ (after 1 yr w/ state & mileage)

    $50,452+ (after 6 yrs w/ state & mileage)

    $61,000+ (after 10 yrs w/ state & mileage)
  • After completing the training process and certifications, all firefighters adhere to the following schedule:

    __ firefighters work a 24hr shift, which consists of two 12 hour days.

    The staffing is divided into three shifts called platoons.

    Each platoon is on duty for 24hrs, and off for 48 hrs.

    As an example, you would report at 7am on a Monday, work 24hrs and are off at 7am Tuesday. You are off the rest of Tuesday, Wednesday, then report back Thursday at 7am for 24hrs.

    Firefighters are on duty for an average of 56 hours in a work week

    Mutual agreements, in which you would swap shifts with another employee, allow for even more flexibility.
  • Longevity pay increases
    Firefighters who have 3 years continuous service shall receive an increase in salary of 2% and shall thereafter receive an increase in salary of 2% for each year of additional service up to and including 20 years. (21 years of raises)

    The city healthcare plane includes medical, dental, and vision benefits.

    All members pay 10% of every pay period toward their pension.

    Annual Leave
    After 1 year from hire date, firefighters will receive 18 days (1 day = 12 hrs) of annual leave. This allotment shall increase by 1 day for each year of service over 10 years, up to a max of 30 days.

    Sick Leave
    Starting on the hire date moving forward, a firefighter accrues 6 hrs for every bi-weekly (every 2 weeks) pay period.

    From year 6-15, employees receive 2 bonus sick days (1 day = 12 hrs) per year on January 1st.

    From year 16 on, employees receive 7 bonus sick days (1 day = 12 hrs) per year on January 1st.