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Shamus ,the kings knight, had travelled to Forbiddin Hill with aid from a warrior named Edgardo. Their task was to get a poison healing potion for one of the queens children.
After searching they came upon some potions peddlers. After a bit of chatting it became clear the peddlers where really bandits,the real peddlers had been slain.
As the bandits drew weapons Shamus scoped up the potions he could reach and turned his steed in the direction of Horror Road and took off.A dozen bandits climbed from the brush and approached the armored man (Edgardo) that was sitting on his armored steed.

Edgardo a dozen bandits approach you what do you do?????

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Edgardo looks for something to use or someone to ask help for.
Sorry for the late response....

You have a short sword,a shield,armor provided by the king,the armored horse provided by the king....we will figure out the rest of your items this weekend....

The only people around at this time is the bandits.....
the area is heavily wooded other than the dirt road you are on now....
Edagrdo sees his disadvantage and runs deeper into the forest.
Branches snap as Edgardos horse rushes into the forest.After a moment of riding the bandits are out of sight..
Suddenly the horse slows down ... Edgardo is on a steep slope....The slowly moves downward
Edgardo followed the path slowly
Edgardo reaches the bottom of the slope the trees thin out. Although still in the woods... The bandits can not be seen or heard..

Edgardo knows the general direction to road from here......

What does Edgardo do

I apologize l did not notice you had replied
Edgardo went straight looking for a path out of the forest

Yeah sorry I was away for a week I'm back now
After a few hours of riding Edgardo makes it back to the Southern Road.
It is hard red dirt as far as your eyes can see both directions. Both sides of the roads are wooded.
Do you head toward the castle or go the opposite way, which the opposite way will take you back in the direction of Forbidden Hill and what lies past that.