Please, no abusive language or profanity. No personal attacks. No messages intended solely to upset people, spread false rumors or otherwise drag down the atmosphere
If you want to start an in-depth discussion of (real world) politics and religion, or anything else likely to instantaneously start flame wars, you should probably find a site dedicated to discussing politics and religion instead.
You are welcome to identify yourself as part of a religion, holding certain religious beliefs, or even as part of a certain political party when getting to know other members.
If a character insults your character, try to look at it from the perspective of reading about it in a book or seeing two characters on TV: Without conflict, a story gets boring. It doesn't mean the writer has anything against you!
Also very important is no god-modding, a person's character is their own if you want something to happen discuss it in an ooc forum but please be clear and honest and pleas don't control others character.