Largest of the lands of Titos, Herisos is also known as the Sun-kissed land thanks to its fantastic weather. Center of the Aldonian Empire, after the last war against Kalanter and it's grim king this land saw a rough time, with crumbled cities and almost all previous institution and law-enforcement reduced to ashes. If it wasn't for Lorrindo's guide and patience, the Empire would be now a distant memory.
The little magical activity of the Flow has made Herisos one of the most technological and avant-garde lands regarding the harnessing of magic and its uses applied to technology.
Mainly a lukewarm province, Herisos presents one of the most majestic woodland reserves of the whole Empire, where you can find creatures protected by the law. In addition, the proximity to Windernont makes it a cauldron of extra-human and elven races, as well as cultures.
Main Cities:
° Malquar:

Capital of Herisos and seat of the Empire, this cosmopolitan city is said to have been founded by the Elders themselves, and takes the name from the very first Emperor of Herisos, Malquar the Prodigious.
The city of Malquar is divided into four main districts: the first is the Outer District, and extends for several kilometers in the surrounding countryside to the woods, and is home to farmers and breeders.
It's largely exposed to attacks from beasts and brigands, and even if the Imperial Guard can't reach every single village, local militias are keeping a good job at tacking dangers away.
The second is the Marble District: named after the houses built mostly in marble, here one can find the market in the west side, the factories in the north side, the popular houses in the east side and, in the south, the windernontian district, built in the style of the nearby magical land.
Recently, there has been some problem between the East and South sides due to some royal elves and humans families, and the tensions are still present, for not speaking of the black market’s prosperity and groups of thieves that almost govern the lower levels and the Sewers.
The Golden District, the third, is home to military forces, guilds, companies and the Windernontian Embassy. who is a resident of the city can pass through this district only at certain times coinciding with the commercial activities, and is one of the most monitored areas of the entire city.
Finally, the Aldonian District is home to the great conveying tower, as well as the royal palace and the noble houses. Currently, only members of the nobility or the army can enter, especially after the so-called "Red Night Affair", a scandal that still today remain confused and shrouded in mystery.

Located in the north, near the Salmia Strait, the technological city of Cronem houses the most brilliant minds of the empire, coming from all over Herisos and, in some cases, even from the rest of Titos.
Under the supervision of the Arch-Technocrat Cintia Castigari, the city is known to be built in two well-distinct parts: on land, there is the city and the various shops, as well as some company headquarters.
On the island, located in the strait, however, there is the Academy, built in around a tower of conveyance in perpetual improvement.
The academy, and especially its students and teachers, are a standalone community, intent on building new technologies and techniques, may they be just magic, mechanical or both.
However, the secrecy and jealousy of their inventions is such that only members of the academy of a certain level can share patents, studies and prototypes with each other.
Even the Arch-Technocrat is intent in a project of her own, in the shade of many.
° Northbay:

One of the four best-known coastal cities, Northbay is known for fish and other seafood exported from the surrounding waters, as well as for some exchanges made in the past with Windernont, before the Cataclysm.
The Northbay community is primarily human, but recently a large number of drakelings have moved to neighboring areas.
Under the protection of the old sea wolf Cameron Volteri, the city has not had piracy problems for several years, even though the smuggling still seems possible.
Recently, the findings of some elven ruins dated before the foundation of the city have become a tourist and study destination, fueling the curiosity of many scholars and archaeologists, for not speaking of the greed of some tomb prospectors.

During the second Emperor's rule, almost two hundred years ago, Ylhtan was the main city of the empire, extending far beyond the border with Windernont, on the barren Alps and the Silver Forest. The city was governed by the emperor Yzin Ghirteov, also considered the discoverer of a secure route to Windernont.
However, thanks of the cataclysm that happened not even a century ago, the routes with the north of the neighboring land became impossible, and the city was hit by a blizzard of frost that has been raging for years now.
Since no one is at the head of the city, Ylhtan is under the supervision of the Draconite council, but also of the elven company known as Mystic Oaks.
The problems between those who must govern and monitor the city are such that they have created real separatist and extremist movements among the local humans, who have always opposed the entry of extra-human races to the apexes of power and commerce.

Headquarter of the major companies producing raw materials, along with some mining companies, Longthorn is in a phase of unparalleled commercial and industrial expansion.
The demographic increase of the city has conferred it the title of "most populous city of Herisos", but not without consequences.
The popular neighborhoods far exceed the industrial zone, and the poverty of the populace social class makes it one of the most desperate in the province.
However, improvements are beginning to be felt, even if slowly: factories hire anyone for good wages and adequate health coverage, even if for horrible hours and with so many commas on guarantees that one have to think twice before accepting the job.
In the lower funds, however, there's the largest black market of Herisos, along with the mercenary company of the Shady Blades.
According to the emperor, Longthorn is "the annoying thorn in the side of the Empire, a small flaw in the majesty of the province".

The army of Herisos rotate around the concept of distance: archers, ballista and other contraptions to assault the enemy from afar, to then move the ground troops and finish the job.
The main force of the Empire are the Swordancers, skilled warriors that goes on a trance during battle and start fighting like they're dancing.
Also, the Technocrats of Cronem
However, the true power comes from the Technocrats and their inventions, like solar cannons and thunder-lances, for not speaking of the special types of armors for all kind of environment, even for the toxic swamps of Grelda or the snowy fields of the Silver Forest.
For Aldon, and for a Prosper Empire !
Largest of the lands of Titos, Herisos is also known as the Sun-kissed land thanks to its fantastic weather. Center of the Aldonian Empire, after the last war against Kalanter and it's grim king this land saw a rough time, with crumbled cities and almost all previous institution and law-enforcement reduced to ashes. If it wasn't for Lorrindo's guide and patience, the Empire would be now a distant memory.
The little magical activity of the Flow has made Herisos one of the most technological and avant-garde lands regarding the harnessing of magic and its uses applied to technology.
Mainly a lukewarm province, Herisos presents one of the most majestic woodland reserves of the whole Empire, where you can find creatures protected by the law. In addition, the proximity to Windernont makes it a cauldron of extra-human and elven races, as well as cultures.
Main Cities:
° Malquar:

Capital of Herisos and seat of the Empire, this cosmopolitan city is said to have been founded by the Elders themselves, and takes the name from the very first Emperor of Herisos, Malquar the Prodigious.
The city of Malquar is divided into four main districts: the first is the Outer District, and extends for several kilometers in the surrounding countryside to the woods, and is home to farmers and breeders.
It's largely exposed to attacks from beasts and brigands, and even if the Imperial Guard can't reach every single village, local militias are keeping a good job at tacking dangers away.
The second is the Marble District: named after the houses built mostly in marble, here one can find the market in the west side, the factories in the north side, the popular houses in the east side and, in the south, the windernontian district, built in the style of the nearby magical land.
Recently, there has been some problem between the East and South sides due to some royal elves and humans families, and the tensions are still present, for not speaking of the black market’s prosperity and groups of thieves that almost govern the lower levels and the Sewers.
The Golden District, the third, is home to military forces, guilds, companies and the Windernontian Embassy. who is a resident of the city can pass through this district only at certain times coinciding with the commercial activities, and is one of the most monitored areas of the entire city.
Finally, the Aldonian District is home to the great conveying tower, as well as the royal palace and the noble houses. Currently, only members of the nobility or the army can enter, especially after the so-called "Red Night Affair", a scandal that still today remain confused and shrouded in mystery.

Located in the north, near the Salmia Strait, the technological city of Cronem houses the most brilliant minds of the empire, coming from all over Herisos and, in some cases, even from the rest of Titos.
Under the supervision of the Arch-Technocrat Cintia Castigari, the city is known to be built in two well-distinct parts: on land, there is the city and the various shops, as well as some company headquarters.
On the island, located in the strait, however, there is the Academy, built in around a tower of conveyance in perpetual improvement.
The academy, and especially its students and teachers, are a standalone community, intent on building new technologies and techniques, may they be just magic, mechanical or both.
However, the secrecy and jealousy of their inventions is such that only members of the academy of a certain level can share patents, studies and prototypes with each other.
Even the Arch-Technocrat is intent in a project of her own, in the shade of many.
° Northbay:

One of the four best-known coastal cities, Northbay is known for fish and other seafood exported from the surrounding waters, as well as for some exchanges made in the past with Windernont, before the Cataclysm.
The Northbay community is primarily human, but recently a large number of drakelings have moved to neighboring areas.
Under the protection of the old sea wolf Cameron Volteri, the city has not had piracy problems for several years, even though the smuggling still seems possible.
Recently, the findings of some elven ruins dated before the foundation of the city have become a tourist and study destination, fueling the curiosity of many scholars and archaeologists, for not speaking of the greed of some tomb prospectors.

During the second Emperor's rule, almost two hundred years ago, Ylhtan was the main city of the empire, extending far beyond the border with Windernont, on the barren Alps and the Silver Forest. The city was governed by the emperor Yzin Ghirteov, also considered the discoverer of a secure route to Windernont.
However, thanks of the cataclysm that happened not even a century ago, the routes with the north of the neighboring land became impossible, and the city was hit by a blizzard of frost that has been raging for years now.
Since no one is at the head of the city, Ylhtan is under the supervision of the Draconite council, but also of the elven company known as Mystic Oaks.
The problems between those who must govern and monitor the city are such that they have created real separatist and extremist movements among the local humans, who have always opposed the entry of extra-human races to the apexes of power and commerce.

Headquarter of the major companies producing raw materials, along with some mining companies, Longthorn is in a phase of unparalleled commercial and industrial expansion.
The demographic increase of the city has conferred it the title of "most populous city of Herisos", but not without consequences.
The popular neighborhoods far exceed the industrial zone, and the poverty of the populace social class makes it one of the most desperate in the province.
However, improvements are beginning to be felt, even if slowly: factories hire anyone for good wages and adequate health coverage, even if for horrible hours and with so many commas on guarantees that one have to think twice before accepting the job.
In the lower funds, however, there's the largest black market of Herisos, along with the mercenary company of the Shady Blades.
According to the emperor, Longthorn is "the annoying thorn in the side of the Empire, a small flaw in the majesty of the province".

The army of Herisos rotate around the concept of distance: archers, ballista and other contraptions to assault the enemy from afar, to then move the ground troops and finish the job.
The main force of the Empire are the Swordancers, skilled warriors that goes on a trance during battle and start fighting like they're dancing.
Also, the Technocrats of Cronem
However, the true power comes from the Technocrats and their inventions, like solar cannons and thunder-lances, for not speaking of the special types of armors for all kind of environment, even for the toxic swamps of Grelda or the snowy fields of the Silver Forest.
The second largest province of Titos, Kalanter extends over a marshy and cold moorland. Due to the climate, rainfall is frequent, even in summer.
Given the rivalry with Herisos, Kalanter has kept the distance, not only politically but also culturally.
The bleak and depressing land is home to few major cities, and many rural villages scattered everywhere, not all in good condition.
Humidity is such that problems like rheumatism, torticollis and colds are more common than a sunny day, which is why there are few outsiders to set foot, mainly deserters or criminals coming from the rest of Titos to hide in the outskirt.
It is not a land for faint hearted or too good people.
Main Cities:

The most populous city of all Kalanter, is the headquarters of the main factories and armories of the region. With the highest rate of poverty, it is also the favorite destination for smuggling and for mercenary companies, such as the Murdering Crows, cruel cutthroats and sinister sorcerers.
The city government is under the protection of Lord Darnell Potrium, a man described as moody and depressed.
However, thanks to him, the city is getting out from a terrible plague, in the shloorms districts around the North-Est side .

The best-placed city in the province, is located near the coast. The history of the city is not gloomy or sinister like the others, but only ... peculiar. During the civil war, there was a small village that was used as a medical camp.
In this place, those who were wounded were put back on their feet ... or allowed to die in peace and without pain.
With the passage of time, Mìsericorde grew, and became a small city. Seat of the most important medical academy of all Titos, here one can learn all branches of science, chemistry and anthropology.
However, the used subjects are not always dead, and some are "volunteers".
The city is governed by Lady Marie Astral, a woman almost always alone and sick, but whose research in medicine and surgery has helped more people than anything, even if not always in a conventional way.

Capital of Kalanter, it is by far the most obscure and cursed city in the region.
Once home to a necromantic clan, the city is almost always enveloped by the dark and stormy clouds of the sea. The city, with extremely gothic and pointed architecture, houses a series of assassins guilds and commercial companies of enchantments and magical objects.
The best known institution of the city is the Academy of Magic, located in the upper part of the city, as an imposing mass of darkness.
However, it is said that black magic is still practiced among the cold and dark hallways.
To rule, there is King Louis Gersande, a powerful magician and intimidating individual, such that even the Emperor fears his cold fury, especially after their first meeting during the War.

By far, the less numerous of all provinces about true soldiers for the battlefield, it's main forces are in its sabotage's squads, along with the many assassins, spies and shadow troops.
The main strategy is to sow terror among the enemy lines, while deteriorating the morale and hitting important centers of command. However, this strategy failed, last time they tried to attack Herisos and Grelda.
For the king and for the people,
never conquered, always feared.
never conquered, always feared.
The second largest province of Titos, Kalanter extends over a marshy and cold moorland. Due to the climate, rainfall is frequent, even in summer.
Given the rivalry with Herisos, Kalanter has kept the distance, not only politically but also culturally.
The bleak and depressing land is home to few major cities, and many rural villages scattered everywhere, not all in good condition.
Humidity is such that problems like rheumatism, torticollis and colds are more common than a sunny day, which is why there are few outsiders to set foot, mainly deserters or criminals coming from the rest of Titos to hide in the outskirt.
It is not a land for faint hearted or too good people.
Main Cities:

The most populous city of all Kalanter, is the headquarters of the main factories and armories of the region. With the highest rate of poverty, it is also the favorite destination for smuggling and for mercenary companies, such as the Murdering Crows, cruel cutthroats and sinister sorcerers.
The city government is under the protection of Lord Darnell Potrium, a man described as moody and depressed.
However, thanks to him, the city is getting out from a terrible plague, in the shloorms districts around the North-Est side .

The best-placed city in the province, is located near the coast. The history of the city is not gloomy or sinister like the others, but only ... peculiar. During the civil war, there was a small village that was used as a medical camp.
In this place, those who were wounded were put back on their feet ... or allowed to die in peace and without pain.
With the passage of time, Mìsericorde grew, and became a small city. Seat of the most important medical academy of all Titos, here one can learn all branches of science, chemistry and anthropology.
However, the used subjects are not always dead, and some are "volunteers".
The city is governed by Lady Marie Astral, a woman almost always alone and sick, but whose research in medicine and surgery has helped more people than anything, even if not always in a conventional way.

Capital of Kalanter, it is by far the most obscure and cursed city in the region.
Once home to a necromantic clan, the city is almost always enveloped by the dark and stormy clouds of the sea. The city, with extremely gothic and pointed architecture, houses a series of assassins guilds and commercial companies of enchantments and magical objects.
The best known institution of the city is the Academy of Magic, located in the upper part of the city, as an imposing mass of darkness.
However, it is said that black magic is still practiced among the cold and dark hallways.
To rule, there is King Louis Gersande, a powerful magician and intimidating individual, such that even the Emperor fears his cold fury, especially after their first meeting during the War.

By far, the less numerous of all provinces about true soldiers for the battlefield, it's main forces are in its sabotage's squads, along with the many assassins, spies and shadow troops.
The main strategy is to sow terror among the enemy lines, while deteriorating the morale and hitting important centers of command. However, this strategy failed, last time they tried to attack Herisos and Grelda.
The smallest province of all of Titos, Meras is by far considered the grand marvel of the continent, a land of immense beauty and a stronghold for those who fear the pirates of the not that far land of V'Cariona.
Allied with Herisos, the vicinity of this land to Kalanter gave a lot of problems during the war, but by now, if not for some minor commercial activities, dangers are non existent.
There's a legend, about the gulf: it is said that once Meras was way more bigger, but due to the ancient meran's fault, the Mother of the Sea sunk good part of the land, and now, underneath the surface, there's a cursed land.
And some recently said to have seen something move, in the depths.
Main Cities:
° Westbay: The largest cities on the coast, Westbay is known for its monuments and ports. Herisos, after the last war with Kalanter, signed a treaty to make the city indipendent in exchange for ships and soldiers.
The navy of the city is said to be formed only by expert sailors, and many calls themselves "sons of the sea", such their experience overpass the majority of other titosians.
°Apotomi: The jewel of Meras, Apotomi is located upon a mountain that directly face the sea. From up there, the city divides in two different part: the one near the sea is home to sailors, fishermen and commoners, while the upper part is for nobles and members of the Mages' Council.
A place to visit is probably the Museum of ancient shores, an institution not only of explorers, but also archaeologists and researchers.
°Kyma: the only main city set in the mainland, Kyma is an important center for the exchange and raffinery of important resources, all thanks to the local mines.
The population is a bit rude, but at heart they just want the best for the people of Titos. However, recently there's been a strange founding, deep down in one of the mines: a giant labyrinth of tunnels and tombs.
Many called that place the "lost catacombs", but the Mages' Council set that place off-limit, saying that strange dark forces lies in the depths of that place.
Thanks to the natural affinity with water, is almost obvious think that Mera's forces are skilled navigators. And that's true.
Meras' navy is known not only for its grace in battle, but also unstoppable ships enchanted by magic, along with the soldiers skilled in dual-welding sword.
Also, the battlemages are well known, second only to the wizards of Herisos, but not for this less deadly.
Our spirit is the same of the sea,
Never dare our ire, or death will come quick.
Never dare our ire, or death will come quick.
The smallest province of all of Titos, Meras is by far considered the grand marvel of the continent, a land of immense beauty and a stronghold for those who fear the pirates of the not that far land of V'Cariona.
Allied with Herisos, the vicinity of this land to Kalanter gave a lot of problems during the war, but by now, if not for some minor commercial activities, dangers are non existent.
There's a legend, about the gulf: it is said that once Meras was way more bigger, but due to the ancient meran's fault, the Mother of the Sea sunk good part of the land, and now, underneath the surface, there's a cursed land.
And some recently said to have seen something move, in the depths.
Main Cities:
° Westbay: The largest cities on the coast, Westbay is known for its monuments and ports. Herisos, after the last war with Kalanter, signed a treaty to make the city indipendent in exchange for ships and soldiers.
The navy of the city is said to be formed only by expert sailors, and many calls themselves "sons of the sea", such their experience overpass the majority of other titosians.
°Apotomi: The jewel of Meras, Apotomi is located upon a mountain that directly face the sea. From up there, the city divides in two different part: the one near the sea is home to sailors, fishermen and commoners, while the upper part is for nobles and members of the Mages' Council.
A place to visit is probably the Museum of ancient shores, an institution not only of explorers, but also archaeologists and researchers.
°Kyma: the only main city set in the mainland, Kyma is an important center for the exchange and raffinery of important resources, all thanks to the local mines.
The population is a bit rude, but at heart they just want the best for the people of Titos. However, recently there's been a strange founding, deep down in one of the mines: a giant labyrinth of tunnels and tombs.
Many called that place the "lost catacombs", but the Mages' Council set that place off-limit, saying that strange dark forces lies in the depths of that place.
Thanks to the natural affinity with water, is almost obvious think that Mera's forces are skilled navigators. And that's true.
Meras' navy is known not only for its grace in battle, but also unstoppable ships enchanted by magic, along with the soldiers skilled in dual-welding sword.
Also, the battlemages are well known, second only to the wizards of Herisos, but not for this less deadly.