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Character Sheet

Player Name: Coltshan
Character Name: Eldric Illaren
Class& Level: Paladin/1
Race: Human
Background: Noble
Alighnment: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Common

HP Max/Current HP: 10
Hit Dice:
Armor Class[Dex Mod+Armor+Shield+Misc.]
Exp: 0
Speed: 30
Spell Save DC:
Spell Attack Bonus:
Passive Wisdom[Perception]:

Stats [Stat #/Modifier/Saving Throw] 18/17/17/16/16/15
Strength: 19[+4]
Dexterity: 17[+3]
Constitution: 21[+5]
Intelligence: 17[+3]
Wisdom: 15[+2]
Charisma: 19[+4]

Death Saves: Successes[1-2-3]/ Failures[1-2-3]

Treasure: Copper 0 Silver 0 Gold 0

Weapons:[Weapon Name/Damage/Type/Atk Bonus/Range]:
Features,Feats,Equipment & Notes

Animal Handling[Cha]
Sleight of Hand[Dex]
Player Name Coltshan
Character name Eldakar Ver Illaren/Kar Talbardy
Class and level Noble/1
Race Human
Background: Scion
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons/Martial Weapons/All Armor/Shields

Hp Max/Current Hp: 8
Hit dice: d6[or 4+Con mod+2]
Armor Class:
Speed 30
Spell Save DC
Spell Attack Bonus
Passive Wisdom[Perception]
Proficiency Bonus: 2
Stat[Stat #/Mod/Save Throw
Str: 19
Dex: 19
Con: 21
Int: 15
Wis: 17
Cha: 17

Death Saves: Success[1-2-3] Failure[1-2-3]

Treasure: Copper 0/ Silver 0/ Gold 0


Feats, Features, Gear, Notes
-Rallying Word: Heal ally 1d8+level, once per long rest. Target two allies at level 3.
-Path of The Brave
-Fine Clothes
-Diplomat's Pack
-Scale Armor
-Martial Weapon

Skills: Persuation, Deception
Animal Handle
Sleight of hand
Aekra wrote:
Wait, we're doing 5th ed now?

Yeah, pathfinder was making my brain melt, and I haven't gotten used to dm'ing yet, especially with so many variables in pathfinder.
I will post mine as a separate thread in this forum
[Moved to its own post, to find more easily later]
  • Inspiration:
  • Player Name: GamerWoona
  • Character Name: Rose
  • Class& Level: Paladin/1
  • Race: Protector Aasimar (Human features)
  • Background: Noble
  • Alignment: Lawful good
  • Languages:
    • Common
    • Celestial
    • Elvish
  • Proficiencies:
    • Armor: All armor, shields
    • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
    • Tools: Dice
    • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
    • Skills:
    • Persuasion
    • Religion
    • Medicine
  • HP Max/Current HP: 12
  • Hit Dice: 1d10
    Armor Class[Dex Mod+Armor+Shield+Misc.]
    Exp: 0
    Speed: 30
    Spell Save DC:
    Spell Attack Bonus:
    Passive Wisdom[Perception]:

    Stats [Stat #/Modifier/Saving Throw]
    Strength: 15[+2]
    Dexterity: 10[0]
    Constitution: 15[+2]
    Intelligence: 10[0]
    Wisdom: 11[0]
    Charisma: 13[+1]

    Death Saves: Successes[1-2-3]/ Failures[1-2-3]
  • Treasure:
    • Copper 0 Silver 0 Gold 25
    • 1 set of fine clothes
    • signet ring
    • scroll of pedigree
  • Weapons:[Weapon Name/Damage/Type/Atk Bonus/Range]:
    • Broadsword
    • Shield
  • Features,Feats,Equipment & Notes
    • Position of Privilege
    • Darkvision(60)
    • Celestial Resistance
    • Healing Hands(heal Hp/lvl)
    • Light Bearer(Light cantrip, CHA)
    • Divine Sense
    • Lay on Hands(heal pool 5*lvl)
  • Skills
    • Persuasion
    • Religion
    • Medicine
I'll do my character sheet at some time before the end of the week probably Thursday, I'm just out of town at the moment and it'll be easier going off the handbook when I get back rather than using my phone for everything.
For everyone's benefit - D&D Beyond allows you to create a free account and access to the basic 5e rules, and six character slots. It gives you access to a wizard-based character creation process that's very easy to use and explains every step very well. I strongly recommend it for new players.
it doesn't include aasimar out from the getgo. :/
Alright, I'm ready to start the In Character thread.
Sounds good to me. Do you have an idea about the mission? or IC plot?
Your plot is to basically create a new civilization that will eventually go up against the big bad of the plot.
Will you help me finish Aynor profile?
I have the stats from our PM conversation but there is stuff missing on the slayer profile that I don't know
Tusitala2017 wrote:
I have the stats from our PM conversation but there is stuff missing on the slayer profile that I don't know

of course. pm me with the details.
Inspiration: 0
Player Name: TheHook16
Character Name: Usobi Manuk (Void)
Class& Level: Warlock 1
Race: Drow Elf
Background: Urchin
Alighnment: Chaotic Good
Languages: Common, Elvish
Proficiencies: Thieves Tools, Disguise Kit, Rapier, Shortsword, Handcrossbows, Simple Weapons, Light Armour

HP Max/Current HP: 9
Hit Dice: d8
Armor Class: 14
Exp: 0
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30
Spell Save DC: Cha
Spell Attack Bonus: Cha
Passive Perception: 12

Strength: 13/+1
Dexterity: 16/+3
Constitution: 13/+1
Intelligence: 10/0
Wisdom: 12/+1 Saving Throw
Charisma: 16/+3 Saving Throw

Death Saves: Successes[1-2-3]/ Failures[1-2-3]

Treasure: Copper 0 Silver 0 Gold 10
- Dungeoneer Pack
- A Small Knife
- Pet Mouse
- Common Clothes
- Leather Armour

Weapons:[Weapon Name/Damage/Type/Atk Bonus/Range]:
- Spear/1d6-1d8/Piercing/
- Dagger x2 /1d4/
- Light Crossbow /1d8/

Features,Feats,Equipment & Notes
- Superior Darkvision
- Sunlight Sensitivity
- Dark Ones Blessing


Sleight of Hand[Dex]
Inspiration: the charming rouge
Player Name: Jangel
Character Name: Angelo Silvara
Class& Level: rouge lvl1
Race: half elf
Background:You grew up on the streets alone, orphaned, and poor. You had no one to watch over you or to provide for you, so you learned to provide for yourself. You fought fiercely over food and kept a constant watch out for other desperate souls who might steal from you. You slept on rooftops and in alleyways, exposed to the elements, and endured sickness without the advantage of medicine or a place to recuperate. You’ve survived despite all odds, and did so through cunning, strength, speed, or some combination of each.

You begin your adventuring career with enough money to live modestly but securely for at least ten days. How did you come by that money? What allowed you to break free of your desperate circumstances and embark on a better life?

Personality:I bluntly say what other people are hinting at or hiding.

Ideal: I believe that Change. The low are lifted up, and the high and mighty are brought down. Change is the nature of things.

Bond: the only genuine bond I have is that I sponsor an orphanage to keep others from enduring what I was forced to endure. No child should have to suffer just for living.

Flaw: if one can call it a flaw I'd rather kill someone in their sleep then fight fair. The real Victor is whoever is alive at the end.

Skill Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, thieves’ tools
Equipment: A small knife, a map of the city you grew up in, a pet mouse, a token to remember your parents by, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
Feature: City Streets
You know the secret patterns and flow to cities and can find passages through the urban sprawl that others would miss. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.

Alignment: chaotic good
Languages: elven, human, dragon
Proficiencies: Proficient in Light armor, simple weapons, shortsword, rapier, hand crossbow, long sword, thieves tools

HP Max/Current HP:8+con mod
Hit Dice:8
Armor Class: Leather armor
Initiative: 3
Speed: 30 feet
Spell Save DC: 8
Spell Attack Bonus: 0
Passive Wisdom[Perception]: 2

Stats [Stat #/Modifier/Saving Throw]
Strength:12 +1
Dexterity:12 +1

Death Saves: Successes[1-2-3]/ Failures[1-2-3]

Treasure: Copper 0 Silver 56 Gold 12

Weapons:[Weapon Name/Damage/Type/Atk Bonus/Range]:
- Rapier
Features,Feats,Equipment & Notes
- burglar kit
- disguise kit
- leather armor
- thieves tools
- dual daggers
- Darkvision: ability to see in the dark
- fey ancestry: increased resistance to charm

Sleight of Hand[Dex]

Expertise skills:
Persuasion [Cha]
Player Name: Cassius117
Character Name: Cassius Stormhail
Class& Level: Paladin/1
Race: Half Dragon
Background: Street Urchin
Alignment: Lawful Good
Languages: Common, Draconic, Infernal
    Weapon: All weapons
    Armor: all armor
    Tool: none
    Skill: perception, stealth, religion, athletics, sleight of hand

HP Max/Current HP: 12
Hit Dice: 1
Armor Class: 20
Exp: 0
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30
Fly Speed: 30
Climb Speed: 20
Spell Save DC: 14
Spell Attack Bonus: +6
Passive Wisdom[Perception]: 13

Strength: 14[+2]
Dexterity: 18[+4]
Constitution: 16[+3]
Intelligence: 14[+2]
Wisdom: 12[+1]
Charisma: 18[+4]

Death Saves: Successes[1-2-3]/ Failures[1-2-3]

Treasure: Copper 0 Silver 0 Gold 170

-The Mage Slayer/1d8/slashing/+4/melee
-Fire Breath/7d6/fire/15 ft cone (DC(dex): 13)
Features,Feats,Equipment & Notes
-Feline Agility
-Dark Vision
-resistant to fire damage

Acrobatics[Dex]: +4
Animal Handling[Cha]: +4
Arcana[Int]: +2
Athletics[Str]: +4
Deception[Cha]: +4
History[Int]: +2
Insight[Wis]: +1
Intimidation[Cha]: +4
Investigation[Int]: +2
Medicine[Wis]: +1
Nature[Int]: +2
Perception[Wis]: +3
Performance[Cha]: +4
Persuasion[Cha]: +4
Religion[Int]: +4
Sleight of Hand[Dex]: +6
Stealth[Dex]: +6
Survival[Wis]: +1
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