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    Pleas please please don't make your player-character (PC) some adventurer who knows everything about the world they're in. RPers though they are, they have literally 0 experience fighting dragons, or goblins, or mining mithril, or speaking elf. (Okay, maybe that last one isn't entirely true.) Please be your true-to-life self as your PC, with as little glorification as possible! That makes this really and truly awesome fun!

    As tempting as it is, please don't. If you do, it ruins the experience for everyone else. And if that happens, you might even get a warning!

    Also, please only pick a maximum of two to three characters to play as per RP Thread. (besides your own PC.) Too many characters can become very, VERRY complicated in stories, and this is even more so in an RP. You might be mad now, but you'll thank me later.

    There is a warning system in place here at RP Land. You will be warned if you are caught violating any of these rules. After three warnings you will be temporarily kicked from the group. After two of these evictions, if the problem still persists, you will be permanently prevented from interacting with the RP Lands group. (There's a lot of yellow lights before hitting this red light, so please, please just stop.)

    God-moding/Powerplay is taken very seriously here. You will be warned if you are caught or reported to be taking control of another person's character, auto-killing, or being unfair in any way.

    OOC/IC is not tolerated either. While there is some leniency of knowledge between the two, there is a distinct difference between creating drama and using said knowledge to create fun RP. Same warning rules apply. To elaborate, let's use an illustration: Sam and Joe are both part of RP Land. Their Player/Characters, Sam and Joe, meet ICly. Even if they know each other OOC, they would not know each other IC. In context, the game takes players away from their real lives and drops them into the world they created via RP. Since they only know each other over the Internet with no reference point for what the other looks or sounds like, immediately recognizing each other would be considered carrying OOC knowledge ICly in a way that is not tolerated.

    Cursing is allowed. We are not a bunch of pre-schoolers who are shocked to hear the word "freak." However, excessive cursing can be very annoying. If it isn't relevant to your character and/or the situation, please don't swear. We won't kick you for it, but you will be asked to stop eventually.

    Please try and make an effort to use good grammar. All lower-case, or substituting letters with numbers, or not even trying to write a coherent sentence is very disruptive and very annoying to our more grammatically adequate users. You will be warned, and if we see that you are honestly doing your best to write well, we'll understand. As Kim once so eloquently put it: "We are RPers. We create whole universes with our words. Let's make them good words."

    All of the rules here still apply. However, the PG-13-ish rating is being pushed a bit. We're slightly more tolerant of language (as mentioned above) and violence. Sexual content, due to its level of controversy, will remain in its restricted PG-13-ish rating. If you're disappointed, you might be in the wrong group. Remember, this is an RP about adventure, not sex! Go join a Master/Slave group if you want something like that.

    Any questions? Feel free to contact me here.

    Thanks, and have fun! :)