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Forums » Out of Character Forum » {Before We Started the RP}

This topic is a topic made to get to know one another in, before the Vytal Festival, where we're starting this rp.

My character's name is Psy Kidel, based around the colour psychedelic green. His semblance allows him to distort his victims vision, making the world appear as if it's melting, to a degree, appearing wavy and bizarre. This typically throws their aim off, makes it harder for them to focus, ect.

Psy grew up in Atlas, though in a middle class family. He wasn't rich, though nor was he poor. His childhood was spent admiring the hunters and huntresses of Atlas Academy, which were often talked about in the news and such. He spent his childhood training in combat, mainly mixed martial arts. When he came of age, he immediately shipped out to Beacon Academy, hoping to become a Hunter himself. His semblance (see above) developed in his first year at the academy, so you guys would have known him both without his semblance and with it.

Personality wise, Psy is pretty laid back outside of battle, tending to enjoy cooking and such, though during battle he's a cutthroat strategist. His weapons are a pair of bladed tonfa, named The Red Queens, which can be supercharged with dust cartridges, or flipped around and be used as a set of handguns, though he typically tends to use them as tonfa

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My character is Aaricia. She appears to look like a Grimm crossed with a Faunus with bone structures attached to her upper body and around the hip areas. She wears a black blindfold over her eyes and has long hair in the colour of Adam Taurus. She has an unusual pitch black tail also covered in the bone-like structure.

Aaricia is mostly calm and enjoys taking things casually just lounging around sleeping under a tree or mostly reading from a small black book she carries around with her.

Her history is mostly forgotten due to a severe case of amnesia when she fell from an unknown portal and was taken in by a small family (kinda hoping that one of you will like their character to be the biological child of the family even if we are not in the same team).

Aaricia's abilities lie mainly in speed and general combat overall. She possesses good defence due to her bone like armour and seems to have great experience in combat while she does not know why this is. Her semblance, if she has one, is yet to be discovered as of entrance to the Academy but the portal journey seemed to have given her the ability to boost her combat power when in contact with blood. The greater the skin surface area in contact with blood, the greater the boost. It does not matter whose blood is used. (well it does leave her quite fcking exhausted lol)

Her weapon of choice is a zanbato. An overly large heavy sword embued with crystals that can store blood in it. She utilizes Dust her main choices being the Lightning type and works with it in unarmed combat. Otherwise, her blade works with the purple dust (which i think i remember as gravity) for when she uses it in combat.
Coolio! Well start when two others post their characters here, so we can hve a full team
My character's name is Neo, normally based on red blue and green. He doesn't have a semblance yet, normally relying on tactics and his Robotic Arms he calls Breakers.

Neo grew upon in Mistral, with a trading family. However, they got lost during a storm and went into an abandoned town that was surrounded by Grimm.No matter how hard they tried, they were killed by the Grimm and Neo lost his right arm. After that, he was saved by the huntsman and lived over with his friend. So to cheer him up, his friend built him a robotic arm and his friend's father, Alan started swordsmanship. He wanted to be a huntsman, for reasons he will not explain. So when it was time to go to Beacon, His friend gave him two weapons and arms he called 'breakers'.

Neo fights in ways he calls 'Styles' which is based on his grandfather's way of fighting during Combat...though he only mastered 2, Swordmaster and Gunslinger. He also fights with his Breakers, which helps him during combat.
Outside of combat, he's normally laid back, but suffer PTSD from the attack.Normally he calmed himself down,but they been getting worse everyday.

Neo has 3 weapons,his Red Queen,a sword modeled after the great knife.It also has 3 different types of dust:Ice,Lightning,and Fire.He also has a double-barrel revolver nicknamed Blue Rose
My characters name is Keith, Keith was just a normal kid from earth,now a paladin of the Legendary Defender,Voltron. It all started at the Galaxy Garrison Academy when he was training to become a fighter pilot. There at the Academy he met Pidge,Lance,Shiro,and Hunk who also later on became members of Voltron. Now as a paladin,he met the beautiful princess Allura and her silly assistant Coran. Allura gave them space suits and weapons know as bayards,which can turn into a shield,sword,and gun. After a few years in space,he drifted apart from his team,by living back on earth with his mother and father.

Keith is a bit of a hothead and doesn't tolerate goof offs and hates it when others mess with him buy calling him mullet. Keith is usually quiet and mostly keeps to himself,staying away from other people he doesn't know. He can be bitter if you get on his bad side and clendges his hands into fists when angered.When in battle he is merciless,he is brutal and usually is the type to fight first ask questions later kinda guy.

Keith does enjoy some activities such as baking with his friend Hunk,training with Shiro,teasing Lance,and helping Pidge with a project. He may be a hothead,but when his friends and family need a shoulder to cry on,he's there for them.

((thats all i got))
My character's name is Wanderer. I'm not including the 'the', because that would get annoying.

Wanderer has spent their entire life, well, wandering. Very original, I know, we can beat me up about it later. Anyways, it had gotten into many fights with Grimm over the years, eventually deciding to go to Beacon Academy in order to further hone it's skills. It's weapon of choice is a one-handed broadsword with the capability to fire blasts of energy from the hilt.

It's fighting style is very simple; hit them until they stop moving, then finish them off with the hilt. It does, however, utilise a small amount of strategy when working with a team; it will use the hilt blasts in order to assist it's allies, knocking the enemy into the way of their attacks.
The first group will be named P.A.W.N, consisting of Psy Kidel, Aaricia, Wanderer, and Neo :)
*Slight chuckle at name scheme*
well at least its not P.O.R.N lol so yaaay
We'll just wait a bit longer, to see if we can get 3 more people to join, for an extra grouping :)
Keith wrote:
My characters name is Keith, Keith was just a normal kid from earth,now a paladin of the Legendary Defender,Voltron. It all started at the Galaxy Garrison Academy when he was training to become a fighter pilot. There at the Academy he met Pidge,Lance,Shiro,and Hunk who also later on became members of Voltron. Now as a paladin,he met the beautiful princess Allura and her silly assistant Coran. Allura gave them space suits and weapons know as bayards,which can turn into a shield,sword,and gun. After a few years in space,he drifted apart from his team,by living back on earth with his mother and father.

Keith is a bit of a hothead and doesn't tolerate goof offs and hates it when others mess with him buy calling him mullet. Keith is usually quiet and mostly keeps to himself,staying away from other people he doesn't know. He can be bitter if you get on his bad side and clendges his hands into fists when angered.When in battle he is merciless,he is brutal and usually is the type to fight first ask questions later kinda guy.

Keith does enjoy some activities such as baking with his friend Hunk,training with Shiro,teasing Lance,and helping Pidge with a project. He may be a hothead,but when his friends and family need a shoulder to cry on,he's there for them.

((thats all i got))
As a note, this character doesn't exactly seem to be customised towards a RWBY RP, as far as I can tell
it is not even RWBY based ... *tilted head to side* have you perhaps read the brief wrong???
I have to agree. With all due respect, that's literally just the character from Voltron.
i know that,i only use canon characters from tv,and or netflix series
*deep breath* this is an rp for rwby characters.
c y'all later then. *exits group*
kid unless you are using a character from RWBY or making an OC to fit into the theme then you are useless
... well, I guess we can start then~ Now, personally I believe that Neo should be the leader of P.A.W.N, because I think he fits the leader role best. Any objections?
They already left, cool your jets...... heh.