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  • 1. No overpowering. This goes for researchers as well as subjects. Make sure your character is realistic, and their powers and abilities aren't too overpowered

    2. No god-moding. God-moding is basically controlling another person's character without their consent. For example: 'Lucy stabbed Jonathan in the gut, watching as he collapesed to the ground, hand clutching his wound.' You can't decide if the other person falls, or what happens to them as a result if your character's actions.

    3. This group will be exploring darker themes. Please be aware of this before joining.

    4. No bullying, or making fun of one another out of character.

    5. Be realistic. If your character doesn't have access to information about another character, they don't have that information. Even if you, as a person, know some secret about the other character, your own character does not.

    Failure to comply with these rules can lead to temporary or permant removal from the facility. Thank you.