- This group is dedicated to players of all ages, so that means smut, heavy gore, and other NSFW themes are prohibited.
- Be civil; don't start unnecessary fights, be respectful, and just don't be a pain in general. Report those you feel are being uncivil.
- Don't jump into an RP without permission; ask the mods or whoever the owner of said RP before joining.
- Keep in mind that there will be different IC rules depending on whether you're on Earth, with the Dawn Space Corps, or the Dusk Space Corps.
- You're not expected to give us 20 paragraphs with perfect grammar and spelling, as we all make mistakes, we're just asking for some effort; we don't wanna waste five minutes trying to decipher what you wrote.
- Romance is welcomed, but is not the focal point of the group. Don't expect it in every RP; keep all romantic relations at PG-13 level, don't do anything you wouldn't see in a Disney Channel sitcom.
- Swearing is fine, just don't go overboard. A word or two here and there is fine, I just don't want to see posts where every other word is a swear.