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  • Character creation rules:
    1. Each member gets 2 character slots.
    2. Each member can only have one primary alignment active. Secondary characters may be aligned with another alignment but won't be granted access to their respective channels.
    3. Stay committed to your specs and class.
    4. Keep your application up to date.
    5. Personality traits do not count as weaknesses. The stronger a character is, the more exploitable their weakness should be.

    General RP rules:
    1. RPG bot level has no bearing on dice roll RP or fight between player-controlled characters
    2. Respect roleplay etiquette (No godmodding, Metagaming, power playing, etc)
    3. No means no
    4. Keep it clean, make sure rps stay in relevant channels
    5. Stay faithful to the lore (Check #the-central-database for more information)
    6. No one is a protagonist, all characters have just as much plot armor as the other

    Combat Rules:
    1. Retreating is always possible
    2. Ammo counts, make sure to keep track of your available ammo. Luckily you're in Jeslore, where you get 5+ arrows with every purchase you make
    3. Get creative with RPGbot encounters, but win them in the commands channel before winning them in an RP
    4. Always phrase your attacks towards other players in the present tense. ('Character shoots at player', not 'Character shoots player')
    5. Be considerate and lose a few battles or take hits. Don't be some invincible demigod because no one likes that.
    Setting Rules
    The RP channels are set in an era of Jeslore known as 'The Divide'. An era of Jeslore where computers and most technology we are familiar with exists, but weapon technology is very limited. Services like fast-food restaurants, grocery stores, and banks exist but weapons are mainly limited to medieval weaponry.

    What is allowed:
    -Sci-Fi versions of medieval weaponry (Energy shields, bows that fire plasma arrows, crossbows that fire self-propelled projectiles, etc.)
    -Cell phones and other handheld computer devices. These still exist in the world.
    -Power Armor. Must either be salvaged, reclaimed or directly approved by a mod for IC reasons when in mint condition.
    -Exo Armor. Armor that enhances speed and such.
    -Tasers/Pepperspray or other quick self-defense items.
    -Vehicles. Anything from a truck to a car, as long as it's reasonable.

    What needs approval:
    -Firearms. Firearms are very rare in Jeslore and a character must have a good IC reason to carry one. (I.E They are reinforcements from orbit).
    -Magical abilities. While magic is a common force in Jeslore, it is extremely hard to master and is typically reserved for specific characters. It needs mod approval before being allowed.
    -Pets. While pets will typically be allowed by default, Jeslore is home to some very powerful creatures. Some animals will not be allowed as pets.
    -Officer positions. For obvious reasons, not every character can be a military officer, this is something that can be earned through RP.
    What is not allowed
    -Races not present in the race list in #the-central-database (Crossbreeds, however, are allowed, the child of an aqui illith and harpy, for example, would have both scales and feathers)
    -Deity like characters. Jeslore has a clear hierarchy on divinity, anything above an ageless mortal (a race that can be killed by conventional means) is not allowed.
    -Revenants. In Jeslore, unless a character gets revived or has sold their soul to Zartor, there is no life after death. So characters that traveled to the world beyond death and returned are not possible.
    -Characters related to the main cast of the lore.
    -Any sort of forced NSFW. If I see or get reports of this, it will result in an instant kick and a permanent ban from the RP channels.

    Chev'ron is predominately controlled by the alliance while Dracholm is predominately held by Governmental forces. The other two continents remain largely unclaimed.