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I'm Arabia valefor dreamurr also known as rv..
oh hey exe elizabeth the leader of my team,team exe
I am the only one of my kind a guardian angel of livht and dwrk who travels through out the multiverse..
light and dark)
Uh, hi, Rabia. What brings you to a place this far out of the way?
btw...try to kill bates again and i swear to god...I'll make you disapper in to the light..
Bates? What about him? Wait... I think he mentioned you one time...
And who was that directed at? Me?
I am his guardian angel...
you Jack and exe
he's not a bad person I nd
yeaaa flower one of my team member and oh... him yeaaa uhhh bates..... bates been going on mass killing spree on the monsters and uhhh yeaaa lets just say flower uses corrupted chains and man i give him 2 chances for 1 killing flower and try to replace a temmie and i got extreamly mad and went into a rampage and 2 for light a kingdom on fire with me flower and the others inside and i was gonna be angry but... lets just say a queen decided to stop me.
and ik why bates made a deal with someone.
your all wrong...

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23