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And I watched millions of people die, and had to put out my kingdom back together after watching one do my last living brothers die, and was forced to KILL MY LITTLE BROTHER.
You don't know me or what I've been through. So stop acting like you do.
*starts walking away*
cmon flower lets head i- oh wait *uses ability to enter that void with flower*/flower:brb
i forgot nightly could do that.
you could have just told me to unlock it..
il keep an eye out if they got into a boss fight
*sighs and unlocks it making all her magic come back to her and makes her angel wings disapper and focuses half of her magic to make her real
*heads in
i've been in too many voids to know these place can mess with your head..
okay quite i gotta figure out how to destroy those items so if we get into a fight we tp out got it?/flower:alright *whispers and nightly and flower sneaks through the void*/and so as flower and ohh i dont wanna talk about it that day was so bad
*looks at the bosses not looking afraid at all* are they seriously scared of those..
*sighs*when your a guardian and you have been everywhere these little dogs are nothing..
exe:well if you see flower in the 2nd visit you can tell mercy almost got her killed rv trust me/*once they got into the room nightly tp in with flower*/flower:we are in okay lets do this before we get hurt badly
I don't allways use mercy..
sometimes purifying is a option...and when I have to do that...the darkness never wins..
*summons a pure white chaos saber
alright keep an eye out when someone coming and we shoot one *starts scanning and flower does so*/exe:*look at the dead corps* oh god one got stabbed in the heart *start tearing up*
I should fight both of them...

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23