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((Oop sorry, accidentally got into character
*noms bun*
(and to answer your question no no i dont i thinking about installing it but i wanted wait for a new phone)
(or i think idk)
((I have Discord... kinda, i use the brower version on phone now cause the newer versions of discord aren't compatible with my phone
(.____. il be back rping)
*noms a lava rock*
((I'll jist throw someone into the rp cause i'm bored
*team exe and flower went inside and lock the door and relax on the couch*
Killure drops from the sky and gracefully lands on the ground, his pure black wings fold up behind him and his tail whips from side to side, he runs a clawed hand through his dark hair as his silver eyes assess his surroundings
*Turns into a fire phoenix and starts flying*
(that one moment when you forget to switch OC's *so you now have a new power hmm?*)
*Turns into a phoenix and starts flying*
Killure sighs "why the hell did i come back here?" He asks himself as he starts walking, wandering around aimlessly
*the ashes land randomly*
.. ... *is quite due to what just happened*
*flap flap(

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23