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*his eyes look white and so blank..l
I want....Jack to die....
del... is it because of bates near death?
*black blood is still flowing from Jack's mouth on several spots*
"Just leave me ALONE!!!" *Blasts Flower across Grillby's with immense speed, almost making her crash through the wall*
*Del's eyes are red...with hints of green and yellow bordering*
*start surrounding Bates* E... Nough...
*tp jack to me* NO ARE U FUCKING NUTS /flower:SHIT *is at 0.1 hp left due to her wounds and due to her energy loss*
*bates mind is filled with dark thoughts only thinking kill him..
(is anyone going to sleep
He... Does not... Know what happened... But he wishes... For you to... Be reunited...
*flower near death if one more hit shes gone* (not me)
no...let me end him...
Not for several hours
*bates mental lv appers but it's all written in hands
Remember... Who saved... You from... Death...
*flower glitches rapid and is not calming down*
*Del looks at Flower, then back to his outstretched hand...and back to Flower...and back to the hand...then starts crying again* "I CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT!!!!"
I saw him kill tim...and hes been so mean to me....ever since I met him...
FLOWER *rushes to her*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23