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My name's shora.

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(the increase of people?)
((Ah... it makes sense, the server would lag abit if there were more people
(yea .-.)
"I'm December, nice to meet you" December extended her hand for a handshake
and hi ad and yes my internet was bad due to phones be uses so it can make sense
*shakes hand*
Hope your day is going as well as mine is
"I just fell face first form like 100 feet so yeah, my day's been just perfect" December spoke with sarcasm
(*noms bun*)
*gets up in the same state as yesterday* well that was something *cracks neck*
((Didn't flower die earlier today?
No need to get mad
(If she wakes up in the same state as yesterday,then she won't be dead now
(well yea but flower commended elizabeth to revive her due to a war broke out earlier today)
"No, don't apologise, i'm sorry, i shouldn't have been rude... just abit cranky is all" December apologises
(so thats why flower in a same state but alive)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23