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*he mummbles something and the magic starts breaking the chains
(GEEZ RV HOLD ON I WANNA USE THE ADD A DICE ROLL EFFECT) *mind:great april 1st and bates on a rampage to attack whats next*
"Go on Jack. I've got this..."
flower...your weak...
!! *uses more chains which is more powerfull around bates* idc what you called me.... no one can fix who i am...
mia:*the magic keeps shocking her and she trys not to yell anymore*
*flower soul shows more chains which its like yin and yang black=hate white=hope and determined*
*his eyes start blazing white and a lot of white magic appers and start getting on to bates
*Keeps Mia comfortable*
Back from unsaid
I SAID YOUR WEAK *the white magic explodes makeing the chains go away
and besides why the hell would you care if im weak or not bates... *flower eyes glows pitch black... she corrupting*
(wb) *Clones himself and the clone vanishes*
Thank you. *tps to Pap* Heh P- ... Shit... I knew something wasn't right...
u asked for this.... *flower turns into her corrupted form*
*tps inbetween the two* ENOUGH!!
*the chains turn into black* heheh ask bates he started this bull shit... by killing his emotions..
*Clone Del appears near Bates and Flower* "Hey guys wha-...oh...." *Meanwhile, real Del comforts Mia*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23