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mia:*doges and tps beind him and grabs his head and throws him*

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*lands on his feet*
MIA! STOP! *grabs her arm* Enough.
NEXUS STOP REMEMBER US !! *trying to shows positive memories of nexus* *and shows it to nexus before he reacts*
*this theme plays in the background*
Thats not me
!! Nexus stop... you killing your friends.
*taps his Ax on the ground and Thunder would strike infront of Flower and Jack*
mia:*is to pissed off and doesnt hear jack talking to her and attacks nexus again*
*stops her* Enough Mia.
*blocks it*
*blocks the attack and punches her strait in the gut faster then she can react*
!! *pukes out blood and chains again*
Alright, THAT IS ENOUGH!! *Slams Nexus backwards*
*coughs trying to breath* n-nexus p-please... its m-me f-flower
*lands on the ground*
Don't make me hurt you.
mia:ack! GRRRR*tps in font of nexus and kicks him in the balls like shedid with the other dude*SNAP OUT OF IT DUMB ASS!
*dodges the kick and roundhouse kicks her to the ground*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23