*coughs up blood* your tough i'll admit that *punches Nexus with two of his hands*
*half of his body turned into dust and spear fall down to the ground*
*tp the bloody chains here* hmm *trying to clean it and waits for jack*
mia:*part of her hair turns blue and one of her eyes turns blue and walks around them like a wolf*?...
*mind:plz mia snap out of it.*
*cleaning chains* shit nexus hate did a number on me (

*is cleaning them* hmm i always asking my self why i puke em out.. hmm *is staying quite*
mia:*grabs her head*ACK!GRRR*her hair and eyes turns gray again and she runs away*
we need to go after her cmon
*goes after her, but makes sure not to go too fast to spook her away*Enough
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23