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Cloak. That's enough. Just give Alex control and leave Exe alone.
*tps to bates*
[damn I'm typing that now rv lol]
besides im a tyrant cloak... tyrants dont have a soul
You are powerfull I request to kill you
(sorry lag..
*a shadow appears*
[its ok]
*bates lv want from 20 to 46 on his own lv*
Cloak. Leave them alone or I will give Alex his own magic and burn you.
*a shadow turn into asriel*
Mia:*telepathy to alex*alex do not kill anyone!
who's first =) *he laughs
*sigh* I cant be burned but fine *tps to jack*
He wanted to ask you a question
genus its just you goat...
Did he?
hey you're ok-...

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23