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oooo why's this? that trick again?
*shadow hands come out os the ground and grabs bates*
why is there a dumb barrior...oh yeah trap and shet..
*call on shadow chaos saber*
and stop calling me bates...*he uses magic to change that to mental
we should pay for better descriptions *he laughs
nope bates
again my names mental..
?erases the name bates out of this equation
he's not here
*shadow hands grab bates and I run to bates*
seriously..*changes it to mental again
cya all tommorow
it show on your caracter list bates...
I see you description maker!
[ppppfffffff...... XD]
(mentals a new haricter who's actally been here for too lo g hes the crazy side xD he breaks the damn forth wall to change descriptions
(he won't change numbers tho Claus it hurts him

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23