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Hi I have a magic wolf

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Liam:im your mother's dad
I have so many troubles sleeping its not funny and if it gets too late at night you guys got to tell me to leave..
Good to know u went high
I c.f. not go high it just my eyes were hurting so much..
Good to know you were not high)
and I get so stressed when I sleep cause i allways think of the worst cause I've been at home too long
anyways I gag ima go do so e jobs..
*tps back to the kingdom tired*
I was magicly kidnapped on accident and then I saw pure hate and hell then some one cut. My hand of and then i was adopted b hr before all that i was pushed down a hole 😁
... Wow kiddo... Way to sum that up...
Who are you exactly, and I apologize for earlier
... *sigh* What did you do now, Cloak?
Nothing that important I'll just be chill for now ok?
Ok so when is the wedding starting?
Umm... Soon.
*walks to the door for the area and opens it*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23