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*shafow fades*
....... i swear people does not want us to rest.../nightly:agree
*sighs* this is boring....
*fade to maul*
*looks at Shadow* .....
ima go check on flower *tp to flower*/flower:*is breathing kinda good*/jesus christ... are you feeling alright?/flower:is he here?/no maybe your powers not doing alright/flower:may *coughs* maybe..
*sigh* The sky is so beautiful, isn't it?
*vanishes and reappears in a different corner of the area*
*walks out of the Shadow and is in Jacks veiw*
um.... what now?
... Maul...
*hand starts twitching*
*four hands appear from his back for protection*
What do you want...
*use shadow magic*
Oh Nothing
Just wandering

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23