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Nvm brb

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*lets go of Del
*Appears above Nexus and Del* "I am far beyond what either of you could achieve!" *Plummets at high speed, ready to stab Del through his forehead*
*Rolls to the side, standing up weakly* *The dagger gets stuck in the floor*
*Despawns and resummons dagger, pulling it out of the floor* "This isn't worth my time...." *Disappears*
"I could've had him..." *Punches Nexus out of the window and off the balcony, no miss*
*the hands cusion his fall*
*Steps out to the balcony, looking down at Nexus* "I WAS THIS CLOSE! THEN YOU BARGED IN!" *Jumps off of the balcony, plummeting at high speed at Nexus* *Eyes turn red and the borders gray*
*lifts off the ground with his hands*
*wakes up and weakly shuffles to the balcony and sees them* Oh for FUCK sake... *summons his wings and flies down* ENOUGH!
it didn't look like you had it
*Appears above him, spiking him to the ground in an instant* "THIS CLOSE!" *Mood: Angry*
*the hands cushion his fall again*
DEL! ENOUGH!! GHA! *grabs his side and falls to the ground*
(He literally didn't. You know how some fights are literally impossible in games? That was the case. He currently has 5 HP.)
*Appears by Jack, grabs him and teleports him back to bed* *Super serious* "Don't do need rest." *Backflips out the window*
*shadow appears behind del*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23