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"Can do. See you later, Nova."

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"See you." *Back to antidote*
*Walks out, gathering ingredients*
"It'll take him either 10 hours to get them or 5 minutes to realize he's already gotten me those ingredients, for his friend's antidote."
*It'll be the 10 hour one XD*
*starts trying on computer*
*7 hours later, Nova finishes the antidote* "This should do it. Now for a little test..."
*Tests it to make sure it works* "Without a doubt, this is my greatest accomplishment." *Walks out to give the antidote to Kaidre, leaving out the poison sample. Hope that doesn't do anything...bad...>:>*
"Now...where could he be?"
*After about 30 minutes of searching, Nova finds the lab* *Knocks*
What*opens door* oh hello have you got thg e antidote?
*hands 300$* thanks alot
"Sure do." *Hands him a small vial of an orange liquid* "No problem."
Huh well wanna find the result with me?
"It can be injected, swallowed, or applied to the skin, although injection works best. See you." *Turns around*
*walks to the chamber with squirrel*
*Stops* "Sure...sounds good." *Turns back around*
*injects tiny bit into squirrel*
*it pops up and runs around perfectly good*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23