*Stops outside of his home* "Why is my door open?" *Reaches for his knife and slowly approaches the door*
"Whoever's in there has until the count of three to fess up and get out!"
*Opens door* "Hey Nova. Don't worry about the stuff you left out, I tidied up for you."
*Sigh* "Oh, hey Del. Wha- wait...what did you touch?"
"I put up all of the things you had left out. I even labelled them."

"Did you wear gloves? Or at least not touch the liquids? Did you breath any of it in? Or did y-"
Wait I'll go ask if thg e have any of the original posing left over
*Del's standing at the door, which is open. For comedy, imma say you just knocked on Del's face* "The purple stuff? He has plenty left. I'll go get it."
*Brings it out* "And next time, please don't hit my face."
Oh ya by the way human and. Monster take around 1 hour till it kicks in so just be care full it might be on some surfaces use gloves
"Who is this guy anyway, Nova?" *Points to Kaidre*
"The guy who asked for the antidote. Now, why don't you just run along and make sure your restaurant is good? It's been a while since you checked."
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23