*takes out his Genocide Ax* U made me use this *the ax gets filled with electricity*
*ready to charge at jack* sorry mia..but your king loosing it.
*tps right in front of Nexus and claws him, then swings with his sword*
(but 1st) *nightly charges at jack slams him into the floor extream force to knock him out*
*slashes Jack and one of his eyes glow red while the other glows light blue*
(btw, if I say that what I'm using to attack is flowing red, it is unblockable)
nice and exuse me alright im tired i needed coffee and ran out mk??)

*dodges Nightly, then grabs Nexus's axe and stops it mid swing* (k)
!!! SHIT *lands and upper punch jack with a speed of light*
*takes the hit, but seems to be unfazed*
*slowly turns his head back to face them, and grabs them by the throat and lifts then off the ground*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23