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*stops glitching* Get your lazy ass up Del

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*launches at Del*
*a light appears around jack grabbing him*!?!?
*Jumps up and over Jack, easily dodging*
*glitches infront of Jack and punches him in the gut so hard it sends him flying super far*
*and the light uses there arms calming jack down with this type of music*
Ngh!! LET! ME! GO!!!! *a blast of darkness comes from Jack, shattering the light, but not fast enough to dodge the hit*
(Well since I was completely ignored, I don't see why I should, but...) *Appears above Jack and spikes him to the ground*
(I guess I will)
*the arms reform and grab him*
(plz del sorry for that .M.) JESUS CHRIST
*grabs Del and takes him down with him, and they both slam into the ground*
!!! JACK WHAT THE HELL GOT INTO U WHY THE HELL U ACTING LIKE THIS!!?!? *the arms trying to calm jack down but if he dont calm down the light have to go extream force*
*Vanishes, appearing above Jack* "Not bad..." *Eyes turn red*
(and remember when flower have to use the move on nexus and maul??? yea kinda like that)
*darkness starts seeping into the light, and the hands start turning black*
Feeds. The pig a potato with a power injected into it*
....... *sits back and yawns*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23