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!!! *another appears i guessing the light have to go extream and start spawns pack of wolfs and the army of light solders*

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*fires a spike of black energy at Nexus*
*move nexus* JESUS CHRIST
*Appears in front of Jack, punching him with incomparable speed repeatedly*
*Appears behind Jack and he can't move* "Killer Move! Serious Slash!"
*sighs and gets up*
*a same portal came* yo not a perfecting time whats up??/????:flower is back to full health but she still acing
Jack just calm down buddy
*a barrier surrounds Jack*
*Slices with the maximum amount of power he can*
DONT BRING HER IN JACK STILL LOOSING IT!!/????:well wanna live or wanna die???
*The barrier takes some of the hit, but breaks and Jack gets hits still by a large portion of it*
*shatters the shield, but does 1/4 of the damage it normally would*
(Or that.)
(Let's go with yours. It sounds better XD)
*picks up pig and puts it on leash and takes it out side*
wait can she sing?/????:yea but her songs are depressing and it works when ur female friend mia is emotionless/get her out i need to test something out
*the edges of his blade start flowing red and he spins around, slashing at Del*
"I wonder where Del is..."
????:cmon/*heads out* i hear what happened jesus christ how bad is it.

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23