*the light blocks it and make jack watches the memories and make sure he wont stop the light* *mind:DAMN IT JACK UR WORST THEN MIA WHEN SHES STUBBORN*
*the ground becomes a giant, weird clock, and everyone can audibly hear it ticking* *the air around Jack looks extremely wierd*
*flower continues singing to make jack look*
*but nightly froze in time trying to break out of time stopping*
*remove the mic and this start playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY9rAppqzvg&t=2690s * damn it if this wont work then this has to
(No, but you can't actually deal any damage rn. You need to hit him enough for the spell to break)
(Oh, ok.
) *Parries Jack's attacks, striking him numerous times between his parries and dodging*

nightly:FLOWER I GOT A IDEA!!!/??!! WHAT/nightly:while hes dealing with del maybe if you attack him maybe he snap out of it
*clones start appearing, using random attacks while Jack attacks*
*Del strikes several Jacks, getting hit occasionally*
from where???/nightly:maybe where the spell appeared the shield well guard u while you make an attack/u better be right. *summion 30 clones all charge at the front of jack and flower summion 30 more at the back and the real one charges*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23