*sigh* "Its just....seeing them in such pain...I...I just want to forget it..." *Sniffles. Is he...crying?*
*walks over to him and hugs him* I know... Tru st me, I know... What I saw when Mia used it on me... Torments me whenever she isn't around... Watching her get... Be brutally killed like that... I get how you feel...
"...no problem..." *stands up, still hiding his face and walks to the door* "I'll be back soon...feel free to use the kitchen." *Walks out*
*Meanwhile, in his old training room* *Punches the wall* "I'm so stupid!"
"I froze up!" *Roundhouse kicks a dummy into the wall* "I practically fed Jack the info that I didn't want to say!" *Blasts another dummy point-blank*
Gods... I feel even worse than usual for using that spell...
"HECK, I EVEN STARTED TO F***ING CRY!!!" *Stabs through the 3rd dummy, then dices it*
*Heavy breathing* "I need to just calm down....."
*Sits on a nearby bench*"I need to just forget it....
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23