Come on. Let your rage give you strength. Harness it, instead of bottling it away, so it bubbles over.. *steps out of the dark corridor*
Darkness makes you human. EMBRACE YOUR HUMANITY!
*Clenches his fist* ".....Any time I use my just ends in misery..."
Ever stop to think, "maybe I'm not using my anger, but it's using me?"
"......." *Deep breath* "That makes sense..."
Welp, I need some sleep. It's 8 am. So let's finish this little bit quick.
Hah. That's more like it. Now think on that. And I'll be back. * another dark corridor opens and he walks through*
Welp. Cya later. I need some sleep. I'm barely holding on rn.
*Looks to his clenched fist. He concentrates, and small red particles form around his fist. He struggles to keep it for long, causing the particles to fade* (cya
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