Sits up and looks at Mia* Heh... *gets out of bed, trying not to wake her up*
*shes already wake and in the kitchen cooling jack*
hmmm well lucky for nightly friend he give me exe elizabeth other friend magic and shit *tp to jacks kingdom* such a good friend to them *explore the kingdom* i wonder where there at
Walks into the kitchen* mornin.*hugs her*
i wonder who run this kingdom hmm oh well maybe i should explore the underground 1st *tp to snowdin *
Mia:i still cant see my soul is still broken and my wings are still gone and noq flower is gone its not like things can get much worse....
*hears it due to wolf ears* so flower its her name... hmm *summion chain* so that explains everything about the chains
Well... I can fix most of those... At a price... And I'm willing to take it. Once we have had breakfast, I'll do it.
*noticed nexus*?? hmm i should check the underground for exe elizabeth and nightly *walks around snowdin to check for them*
Fine, later then. But I AM fixing the mess I caused. It's not fair to you, that I come out of all this without a scratch, and you lose next to everthing.
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23