*back with exe elizabeth she just walking around jack kingdom*

Mia:heh*keeps cooking*i wonder how team ece is doing now flowers gone..
*smokes* *sighs* *saying to self* can't fucking believe this...
Mia:*packs up some of the thongs she cook and walks to team exe's house or what ever they live in*
pfft fucking pissed at bates if he did not took everything flower say - then none of this shit could of been fine and well but now bates took it serious.. why the hell would i even dare to talk to him even tho his fucking - ass behavior that pisses me off
*back smoking* this helps me calm down/nightly:hey exe we got a new comer!/WHO/nightly:a girl name corrupted jasmine!/corrupted jasmine?? tf
Mia:she over heatd me talking about flower and said something about chains
any info about her nightly???/nightly:yea she can replace flower since she has the chains!./uh i *sighs* u know im not in the mood to deal with this after what happened with bates and flower yesterday
Mia:Elizabeth...flower would want you to move on..i know its hard but you have to she wouldn't want to see you like this...
*tp to the kingdom noticed exe elizabeth* there she is *walks to her*/exe:pfft besides she can't be return anyways once she corrupted by the nest of chains it's game over can't respawn with magic or revival magic or reload
(Back. Sry, my parents were making me water the jungle of a lawn.)
*appears in the Abyss and acends to Godhome* *sigh* Here we go again.
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23