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and bates decided to finish her off with that "do me a favor and forget about me" type of shit.. no wonder i keep killin his ass wish paps don't fucking ease drop and saving his ass when i have the chance but since you 3 the queens of hell gotta follow them.. *sighs* *smokes* thx for trying to make me feel better mia but i guess flower has to be replace

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umm bad timing? *next to mia* /exe:no your good you must be corrupted jasmine/mhm
Mia:oh right i made tou guys some food here*gives nightly a basket*
*enters the statue room* One. By. One. *goes to the Grimm statue and challenges N.K. Grimm* Let's go...
*tps to jack*
thx *grabs the basket*
Mia:im still trying to find out how i made food but i dont have eyes...
if you wanna you can join our team anyways we gotta replace our old team member/corrupted jasmine:thx sis/. im not gonna ask about this "sis" part cause im not in a mood./corrupted jasmine:okay/ehh its cool mia i understand
(Tp fails until he leaves Godhome(
Huh I cant go to Jack again?
Mia:ok if shes joining your team whos training her?
so what you gonna do since your old friend is gone???/exe elizabeth: ignore bates for rest of my damn tyrant life that's what ima gonna do and she don't need to train she the leader of the exe army im guessing/yup
Mia:uhhh does jack know about this?....
exe:can i call you flower./call me that and see what happens/exe:sorry just can't believe what just saw flower to much that i got worried/its cool girly i understand a friend snapping till corruption over whelms i get that alot/exe:heh i'l be inside if you guys need me and check the info about the nest of chains and no no he don't but i just don't care anymore i need to calm down brb *went inside*
*beats them and moved onto the next*
Mia:so your the one who over heard me and my husban?
well yea i was looking for my siblings till you mentioned "flower"
Mia:who are your siblings?
nightly and exe elizabeth/exe and night:WHAT!!? /OW JESUS!

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23